"What do you mean I'm not your son? If I'm not your son then... Who am I? And who are my parents?" Theodore asked.

"Your parents... Well your mom is still your mother but I'm not your father." Robert answered.

"You mean to tell me mom cheated on you?" Theodore asked.

"Yes, she did." Robert replied.

"How is that even possible?"

"She did alright, I ran a DNA test and you're not my son." Robert said a slight hurt passing though his eyes but he quickly concealed it.

"Well can you really blame her? You're a cocky bastard yourself so you deserve a taste of your own medicine." Theodore retorted.

"You watch your mouth."

"Should I really? Was that why mom died? Did you kill her?" Theodore asked.

"I could never hurt your mother like it or not I loved her and she is mine."

"Yours? You don't own her even if you were married to her. You had a son behind mom's back and you had lot's of mistresses out there. You even got married to Albert's mother shortly after mom passed." Theodore said angrily.

"You know when I was younger I used to look up to you but not when I found out you were living a double life. But still I worked so hard, so hard just so I would be a worthy heir and after everything I've done it turns out I wasn't really your son." Theodore added.

"Maybe that's even better at least I'd know I'm not related to a bastard like you. So tell how long have you known about this and why didn't you tell me?" Theodore asked.

"Three years, i found out shortly before your mother passed. And I didn't tell you because I had other plans in mind..." But Theodore cut him short understanding what he meant.

"So you just wanted to embarrass me. Do you really hate me that much?" Theodore asked angrily.

"You know you shouldn't come to someone else's work place and bark like a dog." Dalia his stepmother said walking towards the duo.

"Oh now I understand, this was your plan." Theodore uttered.

"I only helped stage the show, I asked Robert to tell you he was going to give you the company on your twenty fifth birthday but then he'll give his real heir... My son." Dalia said proudly.

"I always knew you were a bitch but I never thought you were this deceptive." Theodore smiled.

"Did I surprise you? Oh, I'm sorry." Dalia mocked.

Theodore felt like an idiot to believe Robert was going to hand over the company to him when Dalia who runs the show was in his life.

"I'm not surprised at all I just couldn't believe I didn't figure it out earlier." Theodore retorted.

"How could you possibly? You think everyone in the world is just like you, nice, innocent, sweet looking, gullible. But believe me when I say there are wolves disguised as sheep." Dalia mocked.

"And you're the perfect example of that. No wonder you were able to poison my fath... I mean Robert's heart." Theodore said.

"Watch your mouth Theodore." Robert Brantley yelled.

"Of course you'd be on her side. How many times did you take mom's side huh? None."

"I didn't need to take your mother's side." Robert said.

"Why? Cause it was an arranged marriage?" Theodore asked angrily.

"At the start, yes that was how it felt but..."

"No, you didn't love mom. You only saw her as a commodity, a property that was sold to you by her parents am I wrong? Tell me I'm wrong Robert?" Theodore asked.

Robert was unable to answer his question.

"Of course I'm right, up until the end mom was nothing but that... A commodity."

"You have no right to say that to him." Dalia yelled.

"Shut up you whore. I wasn't talking to you."

"How dare you speak to her that way? Get out of my office." Robert said displeased.

"I wasn't planning on staying in the first place. Go to hell Mr and Mrs Brantley." Theodore said angrily leaving his father's office.

Theodore angrily got into the car and drove towards his girlfriend's home. Nathalie Spencer was one of the most caring and most thoughtful soul he knows or so he thought.

And she was the only person that could comfort him at this point. He took deep breaths as he got to her condo, he didn't want to overwhelm her with his looks so he tried to smile.

He wouldn't be here if there was anyone else that could comfort him. He would have gone back home to Helen but he didn't want to bother her she's done so much for him already.

Since he had her spare key he just used it Nathalie was used to his surprise visits.

He could hear moans coming from Nathalie's room but he did not to take it to heart it might just be her friend Bridget who decided to bring a boy to her condo right?

But he thought wrong it was indeed Nathalie but the guy on the bed with her surprised him even more.

"That was a really great show your father put on yesterday." Nathalie said.

"Of course, my mom and I orchestrated the entire plan. You should have seen his face, that cocky face he used to lord over me became scared for the first time and even confused." Albert said as he thrusts into her.

"Yeah, he looked quite surprised I bet he was hoping I'd comfort him yesterday. But I left as soon as he was humiliated by Mr Brantley." Nathalie said with a sweet voice.

"Am I better than he is?" Albert asked.

"Of course a lot better, handsome. And the new President of your father's empire."

"So that's why you're cheating on me?" Theodore asked surprising both Nathalie and Albert.

"Theo... What? How.." Nathalie stammered. Albert immediately pulled out of Nathalie.

"I have spare key to your house remember?" Theodore asked trying really hard not to shed a tear in front of these two cowards.

Albert was speechless he hadn't planned on letting Theodore find out about their relationship like this. He wanted it to be more elaborate.

But he couldn't resist Nathalie's perfect body besides she was dressed in an overly sexy dress when he came to see her. And he couldn't resist so he decided to make it quick but it turns out Theodore caught them before he could leave.

"How long has this been going on?" Theodore asked.

"Come on babe you can tell him." Albert said to Nathalie. Making Theodore's anger soar.

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