Chapter 183

"I see, and so I heard. But what have you done about the documents said to be in your possession? Can I see the vaults?"

Beads of sweat perspired on Mr. Curtly's forehead. He had walked into his vault that morning and found all the documents missing. The monies had been stolen including the ones he had kept in safes for Causey.

"Uh, you see Mr. Caysey, there's a bit of a problem. I was robbed and everything, everything was taken. Come with me ..."

"Enough!" Causey pulled off his glasses. What do you mean everything was taken? Nobody else has access to these vaults except you! Nobody in this Bank knows about these vaults except you! Or is there someone else I do not know about?" Causey asked him cunningly.

"No! No Mr. Causey nobody else. But boss, I have saved this money for up to Three years now. It is no longer reflected in the system. Tell me, after three years, what would I gain from stealing from you??" Curtly asked him pleadingly.

"You have the responsibility of answering that qu
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