Chapter 200

James went to his car and pulled out his box of rifles and set them on his lap.

"What are you doing?" The General asked him. James continued to rack through his weapons, pulling out a knife, a gun and a couple of other things.

"Where's the Captain?" James asked him. Suddenly realizing.

"What? I don't know. Wasn't he inside the hall?" The General replied.

James cocked his gun and handed it to the General. " He wasn't." James replied. His eyes remained pinned across the street.

The charity event was probably still goin on.

"Listen. I have a strong feeling he is a part of this. When you find him, put a bullet in his shoulder for me. Some officers are back at the barracks. Stefan is one of them.“

"The Lieutenant? You made a lieutenant stay back, James?" The General asles looking at him surprise.

"That is the least of our worries. Call him, call the cops too. Get men on the roofs. These bastards are amateurs anyway." He referred to the guards.

"What do you mean?" The General asked.

" They
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