Chapter 6

Peter Causey glared at Sarah as her head began to bob from the dizziness she felt as a result of the drugs he had slipped into her drink. She tried to mumble a complaint, but she did not want him to think she was drunk or anything. Unknown to her, he had drugged her.

She felt a delirious, staggering sensation overtake her as she spoke.

Peter Causey stood and took the glass from her drooping hands. He placed the glass on the table in front of her and then gently helped her to her feet.

"It's okay, come on, try to get some rest, it's all right," he said as he led her to the bed. Sarah was not sure what was going on as everything was foggy and her mind was filled with clouds and smoke.

Peter Causey laid her back down on the bed as she turned her head from side to side trying to fight the effects of the drug. "Shh shh, don't fight it beautiful, don't fight it," he said, smoothing her hair back with his hand.

He laid her down and plopped down beside her, waiting for the drug to take full effect on her as she mumbled incoherent words that he instinctively found attractive.

He allowed his eyes to roam the length of her body, from the top of her dress, held up by a single strap across her heaving chest, to the full form of her figure, down to the hem of her dress, slit at her left hip.

"You took the time to look beautiful for me," he mused.

The moment he realized that the drug had taken its effect on her, he immediately got up and went to where the wardrobe was in the room. It was large and brown and had compartments inside.

He searched the different compartments for the camera he had asked his guards who were outside to place in a place where he could easily access it.

He searched the third compartment which was like a drawer, he pulled it open but there was nothing inside. Sarah whimpered as he made noises with the drawers. He turned to look at her and saw that the drug was starting to wear off.

He closed the cabinet and pulled out a chair to search the top of the cabinet, and there she found a small hip bag, which he pulled down and unzipped. Inside was a small camera.

With a sinister chuckle, he inserted the camera's battery and then gently got down from the chair he had been using to prop himself up. With that, he turned the camera on and placed it directly across from the bed where Sarah lay.

It caught a perfect view of every movement she made, when she turned, when she turned around, what he intended to do was to video himself raping her, which was what he usually did with all his victims.

The last girl was an innocent teenager who sought an internship with his organization because she had heard he had a lot of money and paid well. Little did she know that his main source of money was secret videos of unsuspecting young women who were stupid enough to fall into his trap.

He licked his lips as he stared at Sarah's full hips and legs, a bulge forming in his pants as he thought of all the things he could do to her while she was unconscious. He looked at her and slowly walked over to the bed.

He lay down next to her and stroked her legs up to her thighs. He moved up to her stomach. He grabbed her soft waist and began to kiss and lick and suck on her neck and cheeks.

He felt happy with himself and as he always did, he stood up and wanted to enjoy the moment, after all, he thought to himself, he had the whole night to play with her.

He walked over to the bar and poured himself a glass of Scotch, letting the rolling camera capture the movements of his helpless victim. He stared at her, feeling extremely pleased with himself as he took occasional sips of the drink from his glass.

He even lit a cigarette and puffed it into the air, wondering if he should tie her up and just enjoy watching her writhe helplessly as he caressed her body with his hands and devoured her with his mouth. He wished he could do more things to her, but just like the others, she would make a fuss and call him a monster.

He squeezed out his cigarette and downed the last of the drink in his hand. He stared at her appreciatively, basking in the fact that even though it was no easy feat, he had always gotten away with all his actions without even spending a night in jail, let alone being charged in court.

He walked over to the bed and pulled down his pants, lying down next to Sarah and running his hand up and down her body again. And then, looking at her lips, he began to kiss and fondle her.

He noticed that the drugs were wearing off, and he liked it, because that was what turned him on, the fact that they always woke up in the middle of the act, but by then they were too weak to do anything about it.

He enjoyed her struggles, her helpless writhing and whimpering, and when Sarah dared to scream, he put his hand over her mouth and ripped off the strap holding up her dress. He pulled it down to reveal her cup bra and full bosom.

As he reached for the skirt of her dress, her eyes opened and she began to writhe and struggle against him.

"Yes! Yes! Fight harder darling, but there's nothing you can do about it," he said, grabbing her hands and pinning them to her sides.

He kissed her cheeks and licked her neck as she struggled against him, he reached out and ripped the skirt of her dress where the slit had been above her thighs.

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