"Aleeeeeex! Aleeeeex!Alexander" Alex opens his eyes. The cave was blurry. " what happened? Did I win against the dragon?"

"Alex!!" He hears his name echo. " oh I am finally back to the cave. I guess I won. Ares " he lifts his upper body while roaming around. " I found him" Multiple voices echo. He looked in that direction. He saw Hidden and the luminary knights and other groups running towards him." Huh! Hidden?"

" Alex! Thank the heavens you are Alright " Hidden knees before Alex and pulls him into a hug. " I am sorry Alex. I fail you and your mother" Alexander's eyes widened in disbelief. He stares at the group of suited men and women. Some on comms talking. Others on laptops. " Hidden I don't know them that much. Who are they? "

"We are the Korean defense force, the luminary knights" a familiar voice cuts in. Alex traced the voice and he saw a young man in a trench coat and his Japanese straw hat covering his face. Alex raises an eyebrow. " Michael?" Michael lifts his face wi
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