Atlantis City
A young man groaned as he leaned against a pole beneath a clock in the middle of a bustling city square. "She’s late," he said.While looking for the girl he was waiting for, the man kept an eye on the crowds that were going by.He had fair skin, looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, and even though it was midsummer, he was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a black leather jacket.A brown belt with a silver buckle supported his blue jeans, and brown boots with no lace covered his feet.His head was covered in spiky black hair, and a pair of sunglasses covered his eyes.Drake was his name, despite its oddity.Atlantis City, a floating city built on the ocean floor about 100 miles off the coast of the south-eastern United States, was the square in which Drake was standing.The ruins that are believed to be the real Atlantis were discovered about a decade ago on the ocean floor beneath the current city, so this location was chosen.The Atlantis City Construction Project was initiated by the US government eight years ago because so much of the world was captivated by the idea of living on the ocean above Atlantis. It started as a small, off-shore float where archaeologists and scientists of all kinds could rest in between dives to explore the ocean ruins.The conditions were that donations would be used to pay for the city's construction, but not even the US government anticipated the overwhelming response.In just eight years, Atlantis City had grown into a sprawling metropolis that covered several square miles of the ocean's surface. Contributions came from all over the world.The city of Atlantis had everything a major modern city could need.Cars were the only means of getting to and from the city. They could take the Atlantis Rail Line, an ocean-floor subway, or the bridges that were built when the city was first built.Because the passengers on board the Atlantis Rail Line could see the ocean floor as they rode the subway for an hour and a half, it had become a popular mode of transportation.Boats were a different way to get to and from the city.The majority of residents are American, but more people of other nationalities are starting to move in.Drake himself had been fortunate enough to live in this vibrant new city;He had entered a lottery that offered two scholarships to the city college.It included a room in an apartment, almost everything else, except for food and other necessities for daily life.The only requirement was that he get enough good grades on his final exams from high school. Since he had graduated a few years earlier, all he had to do was send in his old grades.Drake was unaware that his name had been selected because he had not even bothered to watch the lottery draw when it was broadcast on television.He didn't find out he had won until he got a letter from the winner a few days later.He saved money by walking to and from campus because the apartment was only about a quarter of a mile away.He had a steady income because he worked part-time on the city's construction.Drake surprised both his employer and coworkers by being able to lift and transport small, solid steel I-beams on his own, something that normally required two strong men.Drake received a substantial increase in his weekly pay and was required to continue working for him by his employer.So, Drake was living happily and didn't worry about his monthly bank statement.Before the start of his third year, he had just finished his second year of college and was in the middle of summer break.He was currently awaiting the arrival of a close friend, with whom he had planned to spend the majority of the day a few months ago.Drake was debating whether to board one of the sky rails for a bird's-eye view when a female voice rang out after waiting a few more minutes.Sorry for my delay!Drake turned his head toward the path where the voice came from and recognized a hand standing out over the groups, waving at him.A young woman with fair skin and who appeared to be Drake's age emerged from the crowd a few seconds later.Her waist-length hair made her appearance stand out the most;It was black like Drake's, but unlike Drake, it had a brilliant sheen that gave it the appearance of shining in the sunlight.She wore a white blouse with some embroidery, a black skirt that almost touched the ground, and a pair of black high heels that were the same shade as her eyes as Drake's outfit.She carried a small, black purse by her side.The girl's pale blue eyes were staring up at Drake's face when she got close enough to him to see that they were almost the same height."Let me speculate;Drake guessed that it was hard for you to get away from your father, and he didn't even bother to say hello when the girl stopped in front of him.She hung her head and let out an affirmative sigh.That is correct.He continued to bother me about why I would have been out the entire day without anyone else;He might be right about me seeing someone, I think.I have no idea how long it will be before he learns about you."What's the problem here?"Drake made a comment, cocking his head to the side in disbelief.And by "seeing someone," what do you mean?Dislike we're out on the town or anything.We're just friends spending the day together;If he found out about me, I doubt he would get too personal with me about that.The girl nearly fell over when Drake said it wasn't a date, but she immediately fixed her posture.Drake, I don't think you are aware of how possessive and protective my father is.He probably would have a heart attack if I got even a scratch.And he wouldn't allow me to remain in your company if he saw your face and found out I was with you.“Oh?I was unaware that my face appeared so evil.Alice, are you suggesting anything?Drake looked intently at Alice after taking off his sunglasses.He had very strange eyes;His Alicees were a brilliant yellow color and the sclerae were black instead of white.On his right eyelid, just below his eyeball, was a small scar.Drake had once managed to frighten himself by staring in the mirror in this manner.But when she saw his eyes, Alice just smiled."No, no, I was not at all implying anything!Sincerely, I find your black eyes to be incredibly cool.However, my father is definitely one of those people who tends to judge a book by its cover.Drake sighed, "In all honesty, your dad sounds like a real piece of work."Does this apply to all parents?I wouldn't know because I don't have any."Oh, get off that!"Alice exploded.Drake avoided the punch that she threw at him in a playful way.Despite Alice losing her balance, she was able to avoid falling.Before turning around to face Drake once more, she straightened herself.He was not always this way.He didn't start acting this way until I was six, when my mother died.Despite the fact that Mr. Tyrion is the city's mayor, "It's still surprising that your father even has the time to spend on this nonsense."Peter Tyrion, Alice's father, is a middle-aged man who came up with and oversaw the Atlantis City Funding Project eight years ago.As a result, he eventually became mayor of the expanding metropolis, which was a very busy position.Twelve years ago, after his wife and Alice's mother died of a heart condition, he made his only child, Alice, the center of his life.Since then, Peter has kept an eye on his daughter, which Alice found to be extremely life-threatening.Between school and her curfew, Alice found time to sneak away and have a little fun after they moved here three years ago. He got promoted to Atlantis City mayor and became engrossed in his duties.The two of them met about a month after Drake arrived in Atlantis City, almost two years ago, during one of her adventures.After staying up late to work on a project, Drake had been walking back to his apartment from college later than usual in the afternoon.He heard a guitar on the opposite side of the street as he passed a cafe on the tree-lined sidewalk.He turned around and saw a young woman with glossy black hair holding a guitar on the sidewalk across the street.The girl opened her mouth and sang, but she didn't speak English.Drake only knew because he watched a decent amount of anime that she was singing in Japanese after a moment of listening.Related Chapters
Drake crossed the road out of curiosity and joined the other people gathered around the girl.The wind carried her clear as a bell voice further down the street.A sizable crowd had gathered to listen to her before she closed her mouth and stopped playing the guitar, spilling onto the road and causing traffic issues.People began depositing cash into the open guitar case that was lying on the ground next to the girl after there was a brief moment of silence and loud applause.Drake stayed to try to speak with the girl as the crowd began to disperse.She had already put the tips in her purse and was carrying her guitar case over her shoulder when he got close to her.When he began to clap once more, she stopped and turned to face Drake.That was actually pretty good," he said.Despite the fact that most people in this city are American, you heard them singing a Japanese song.That simply goes to show you don't need to comprehend the language to like the melody."The young lady smiled and said a
Alice exhaled.I already told you;Until I left, my father was all over me.I ended up running out the door on him because he wouldn't give me a single minute to myself.When he gets home this evening, he won't be happy with me.Drake made a comment, "He sounds more and more like a stick in the mud every time you talk about your father."Is he unfamiliar with the idea of having fun?They had arrived at a sky rail station at this point and entered it.Atlantis City was only a few square miles in size, so someone came up with the idea of connecting the entire city with sky rails—basically sky trolleys—that would let people quickly get to the main area where they wanted to go and walk the rest of the way.The idea that was put forth was adopted unanimously due to the fact that there were few roads for cars and the sky rails occupied very little ground space.Since Atlantis City only had sixteen stations, there were stations all over the city and trolleys that led to other stations at each statio
“Mind telling me why you decided to run?” Drake panted, pulling Alice over to a nearby park bench and sitting them both down on it.Alice panted for a few moments before smiling at Drake. “Just because I felt like it,” she wheezed.“I swear, girls really are complicated,” Drake moaned as he leaned back on the bench. “I can never understand what’s going through that head of yours.”Alice pouted. “Well, at least I’m not socially awkward,” she retorted.“I’m not, though. I have my reasons for keeping to myself,” Drake reminded her, taking off his sunglasses. “Anyways, I thought we were going to the talent show venue. I hope you didn’t forget that in your sudden need to run around the city.”“Of course, I didn’t!” Alice shot back. “This park is actually a shortcut over to the venue; you can see the building from here, see?”Drake followed the direction Alice’ fingers were pointing in and did see the talent show venue on the other side of the park from them. Walking there from the station
6:02 pm"Well now, I feel that went better compared to we might have envisioned," Drake remarked.Alice agreed, "Yeah."We probably wouldn't finish in second place in the competition.Drake and Alice were seated at the same outdoor cafe where they first met in section B of Atlantis City in the late afternoon.A small silver trophy was on the table between them.There was an engraved "2nd" surrounded by a laurel on the surface of a large clear crystal set in it.All of the other performances had finished a few hours earlier, and the judges were tallying the audience's votes while all of the performers went to a waiting room.They started calling for a few performers to return to the stage over the intercom system about an additional hour later.When Drake and Alice got the call, they didn't know a thing about what was going on until they got to the stage and saw the trophies on a table there.After the award ceremony, one of the judges, dressed in a full white suit and shaded glasses, approa
"W-what's happening?"Alice asked apprehensively.By then, Drake's ears got on an alternate sound from the far off shouts.Mr. Tyrion, Alice, and he all looked up at the sky.They did, as did everyone else around them.Car windows, houses, and shops that lined the sidewalk, all had heads sticking out;The sky was in everyone's view.A long line of planes were flying side-by-side in the distance.Drake's back neck hair stood up as they got closer;There were no distinctive markings on the planes to help him determine where they had come from.A cold steel grey was used to paint them all."Why are all those planes flying in our direction?"Mr. Tyrion, still pale from the destruction of the clock tower, questioned.For the remainder of the day, there shouldn't be any more seaplanes arriving to deliver anything;in point of fact, they are not even seaplanes."The belly hatches opened as the planes in the line got closer to the city's edge.As soon as he saw this, Drake broke out in a cold sweat and v
Why is the ground trembling so much?The sarge screamed,Give me an answer, please!Sarge: "A-Atlantis City must be falling apart!"A man from his men yelled."The bombing must have destroyed the supports!"Another yelled, "We'll end up going swimming if we don't leave right away!"Bless it!"Sarge bleated.He turned away from Drake, who was having trouble standing up.Get out of here before this building collapses!The men then started to run away."W-wait, you scumbags!"Drake yelled and extended a hand as he stood up once more.Where the f--- do you think you are?Drake lost his balance and fell into the ladder shaft as a result of a subsequent violent shaking.He closed his eyes and waited for the moment when he would fall to the ground and splatter, "Damn, I guess this is really it."I'm sorry, Alice, that I was unable to safeguard you.I hope that when I get there, you will forgive me.Following a couple of additional seconds, Drake opened his eyes once more.I ought to have reached the bott
Flying between two of the stone pillars was a massive figure, certainly larger than any of the dragons currently present at Drake’ location. Close behind the figure followed two more, slightly smaller than the first, one on the right and the other on the left. As the figures approached the thunder of dragons already gathered, they began to lower their altitude until they landed on the very edge of the topmost outer ring of steps.They were dragons, but very different from most of the dragons Drake had seen thus far. The most prominent difference was their size; unlike most of the other dragons in the crowd, who all stood about three to almost four times Drake’ height, they were somewhat bigger. The one in the middle was about five times as tall as Drake, while the two behind him were about four and a half. Drake could also get the feeling that these three were very powerful; the whole crowd of dragons grew quiet as they approached.A humanoid dragon flew out of the crowd of dragons ga
This dragon was also red in color, but it was more of a blood-red than crimson. Its head greatly resembled that of the Chinese dragons, and two long red whiskers grew from its snout like a mustache. A mane of black hair extended from behind the pair of horns protruding from its forehead, and a pair of spectacles rested on the top of his snout. It also had a short, black beard. Like Drake, its eyes were also an unusual combination of colors; instead of white, its sclerae were a shade of red darker than its skin, and its pupils were bright green. The skin covering the dragon’s body was taut from the muscular form it possessed. There was a cross-shaped scar right where the heart should be located. Its underbelly and the skin between its wing spines were a dull shade of pink, and small black fins sprouted from the back of his neck down to the tip of its tail. As Drake continued to watch it, the wings on the dragon began to shift and squirm. After a moment, they began to retract into the d
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Chapter 33
The gate in front of Drake’ waiting room was lifted, allowing Draco to walk out and join Bastian in the middle of the arena. His eyes darted down to Drake before returning his gaze to Bastian and uttering a short snort. “It appears we won’t find ourselves with a moment’s respite while Drake is around.”“Indeed,” Bastian agreed. He focused his eyes on Draco. “Can I trust you to carry the lad to the infirmary? Judging by the performance we just witnessed, he will require some rest before he can muster the energy to fight again.”Draco silently dipped his head towards the Dragon King before bending over and gently scooping Drake up in one hand. “You know that we cannot leave him like this. If we don’t make an effort to teach him to control his magic, then--.”“I am aware of what must be done,” Bastian interrupted Draco quietly, his flat tone causing his advisor to fall silent. His tail slapped the ground a few times. “Needless to say, I will be making the necessary preparations for Drake
Chapter 32
The gate in front of Drake’ waiting room was lifted, allowing Draco to walk out and join Bastian in the middle of the arena. His eyes darted down to Drake before returning his gaze to Bastian and uttering a short snort. “It appears we won’t find ourselves with a moment’s respite while Drake is around.”“Indeed,” Bastian agreed. He focused his eyes on Draco. “Can I trust you to carry the lad to the infirmary? Judging by the performance we just witnessed, he will require some rest before he can muster the energy to fight again.”Draco silently dipped his head towards the Dragon King before bending over and gently scooping Drake up in one hand. “You know that we cannot leave him like this. If we don’t make an effort to teach him to control his magic, then--.”“I am aware of what must be done,” Bastian interrupted Draco quietly, his flat tone causing his advisor to fall silent. His tail slapped the ground a few times. “Needless to say, I will be making the necessary preparations for Drake
Chapter 31
“Move,” Vinzgar hissed, glaring at Poseidon. Poseidon returned the glare and remained silent as he refused to budge from the spot.“Vinzgar,” Bastian started, “I can understand what you are trying to do here. However, you know as well as I do that we need to let this match continue for the time being. If we interrupt it, we’ll never be able to see how Drake handles himself if his emotions flare up after winning the games and starts investigating things on his own down below on the surface. This is the perfect test to see whether or not we can trust him to act properly on his own out in the world.”Vinzgar growled dangerously but didn’t respond; he couldn’t refute what his king had just said. After glaring with Poseidon for a few more moments, he humped and turned back around, sitting back down on his throne as he resumed watching the match.Brock was back on his feet, cautiously observing Drake as he remained standing on the spot motionlessly, still glaring at Brock. Brock finally spo
Chapter 30
“Is there a problem, Damrabe?” the crimson-scaled dragon king questioned, an eyebrow raised. Something caught Bastian’s eyes, and he and everyone else in the room proceeded to stare at it in shock.One of the test tubes of blood in Damrabe’s sash glowed red-hot as it visibly vibrated in its slot. As everyone continued to observe the spectacle, the test tube shattered without warning, sending shards of glass and droplets of blood flying throughout the room. Wherever the blood splattered, be it on skin, scales, cloth, or stone, the surface splattered immediately sizzled and burned black. Several dragons hissed in pain as their skin and scales were burned.“What the hell just happened!?” Vinegar growled, shock evident in his voice. “Damrabe, what was that!?”“I...I don’t know!” Damrabe responded as he attempted to heal his right hand and torso, which had received the brunt of the blood exploding. “All I can tell you is that vial contained a sample of Drake’s blood that I took from him tw
Chapter 29
Back up in the top box where Bastian and the Dragon Council observed the battles, Reothand and Poseidon entered the room. Bastian turned around and looked at them, raising his eyebrow in a silent question.Poseidon shook his aged, golden head and stroked his beard. “We didn’t find anyone in the magical maintenance room, but we did find evidence that the lottery-system spell used to randomly determine matchups had been tampered with. All the crystal ball surveillance cameras had been smashed, as well.”Prismo groaned, covering his face with his left hand. “None of the guards openly admitted to seeing anything, either,” he added to Poseidon’s statement. “My hunch says someone with the Shadow Strikers may be involved in this.”Several sets of eyebrows shot up at the mention of the Shadow strikers. “The Shadow Strikers is that group of assassins-for-hire, correct?” Vinegar questioned. “Why would they be involved in this?”“Isn’t that obvious?” Bastian asked, looking down at the fight belo
Chapter 28
“This year, we have a slew of new and old participants in these bloody games! In addition to the two-time runner up dragon Balara, we also have a prisoner who’s convicted of stealing the Orb of the First King! Who’s excited to see what these two are capable of during the games? I know I am!”Drake slapped his forehead as the crowd cheered even louder when the announcer brought him up. What the hell is wrong with these people?“Now then, let’s get the ball rolling! We have one hundred and twenty-eight prisoners that passed the assessment exam and made it to the games this year! That means we’ll have seven rounds of one-on-one fights, so there will be plenty of time to watch the carnage in the arena! Let’s begin with deciding the first match for the day!There’s something wrong with that MC. Is he a frickin’ devil or something? Drake stood up from the cot and walked over the iron gate. The arena was set on the ground and was separated from the elevated stands by a large wall. Standing j
Chapter 27
Drake placed another neat stack of parchment on a shelf before replying. “I happen to think so. I can’t really do anything else right now to prepare myself, can I?”“Yes, you can,” Poseidon told him. “There’s more to the games than just a simple fighting tournament. Did anyone give you details on it?”“Ugh, no.”Poseidon leaned back in his chair and sighed, the wood creaking under his weight. “Very well, allow me to explain what the games entail.” He glanced at a sheet of parchment laying on his desk. “The Prisoners’ Games is a fighting event open for public viewing that’s set in a tournament bracket. This year, one hundred twenty-eight prisoners passed the assessment exam, so that means you’ll have to win seven matches to come out the winner. The first round will take up the first day or two, depending on how fast the matches come to an end. The tournament will speed up as we progress to the later rounds as prisoners are weeded out.”“Hold on, this event is open to the public? Why?”
Chapter 26
“Easy, easy, Vinzgar!” Bastian soothed, placing his hand on Vinzgar’s shoulder once more to calm him down. “None of us here believe that statement; for that matter, Zero, Boreta, and I know you far too well to even consider this a possibility from you.”Drake had his hand on his chin, deep in thought as Bastian calmed down Vinegar. He then looked up at Bastian.“There’s three possible answers that I can think of, Bastian,” he said. All the dragons turned to look at him. “One, Vinegar is lying. I can’t say much about him since I hardly know Vinzgar, but if you trust him, that’s a good enough reason to rule that possibility out.”Bastian and several others nodded at this.“Two, there’s the chance that Vinzgar was somehow controlled against his will when that order was placed and has no memory of it.”“That’s nearly impossible,” Boreta interjected, shaking her head. “Magic might not be the Killing family’s strong point, but Vinzgar has an exceptionally high amount for his family. And bra
Chapter 25
“Thanks for the info, Brock” Drake shouted as he was yanked into the air. Drake thought it might be best to avoid drawing unwanted attention to Draco, so he didn’t say anything to the dark gray dragon. Drake and his two guards exited the cavern and started flying in the direction of the rising sun. Blinded by the light, Drake was forced to keep his eyes closed for the next several minutes as his hair whipped in the wind. His hair had barely grown out over the past month, but his spiky bangs were now threatening to cover his eyes.Suddenly, the two guards changed course and shot straight up into the sky, increasing their speed dramatically. The wind force tore Drake’s eyelids apart, and he watched as they continued to rise higher and higher, bursting through the clouds. There was an incredibly bright flash of blue light that forced Drake to close his eyes, and he heard a loud sonic boom that surrounded him, deafening his ears. Then all was quiet, and Drake slowly opened his eyes.The b