Adam took out his card and handed it to the administrative staff, even though he wasn't sure if his account balance would be enough to cover the payment. But, he tried to remain confident.

The woman staff in front of him said, "Sir, you will be paying five million dollars for the dragon statue and eight thousand dollars for the service fee."

That's very expensive!

Adam could only force a wry smile and nod. And if his balance turned out to be insufficient for the payment, he planned to quickly escape with Anna.

The PIN was entered, and soon the sound of the payment transaction was heard. Adam gaped and stared in disbelief.

Was his money enough?

The woman staff spoke again while returning Adam's card, "Payment successful, Sir. We will arrange for the delivery procedures to your location to ensure safe transit. And please fill out some forms first."

Adam didn't even hear the woman staff's voice, still lost in disbelief. Then, the ringing of his phone snapped him back to reality.

He looke
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