Alex laughed upon hearing that.

So, Adam foolishly offered help with Anna's money? That's ridiculous! But, it's good because I don't have to help that old man. Adam, you've given me a brilliant idea!

Anna, who was not pleased with her husband's kind offer being insulted like that, finally spoke firmly, "Mr. Louis, it's okay if you don't accept our help. But, don't insult my husband. He sincerely offered to help you."

Alex interrupted Anna's words and spoke as if siding with Adam. In reality, he just didn't want Louis to ask him for help, so he said, "My sister is right, Mr. Louis. Adam has been kind. Why don't you just accept it?"

Adam and Anna, hearing Alex's words, were shocked and confused. Why was Alex suddenly speaking in their favor?

Not only that, Louis was also surprised, not understanding why Alex seemed to be siding with Adam when he knew that accepting help from Adam would lower his self-worth. Flustered and nervous, Louis said to Alex, "Mr. Bown, what do you mean? The money offered to me belongs to Anna. I clearly refuse to accept it. It would undermine my dignity as a respectable man."

Alex just smiled, but in his heart, he cursed the old man.

Forget about dignity, fool! Stop beating around the bush and just accept it. If you end up asking me for money, you'll definitely lower my self-worth!

Alex continued, "Isn't Anna okay with it?"

Anna quickly responded, "No. Not at all. It's not just my money. It's also the result of Adam's hard work."

Adam, starting to feel reluctant to offer his help, casually said, not caring if someone was offended, "It's okay if you don't want to. I only offered help because you are a friend of my grandmother. Nothing more. Besides, Alex is here. Isn't he wealthier than me? He's also your friend! Alex would surely be happy to help you."

Louis scoffed cynically upon hearing this, but his eyes lit up when he looked at Alex, as if the son of the Bown family was his brightest hope. He then said proudly, "Of course, Mr. Alex is everything compared to you!”

Alex appeared worried instead, he didn't want to waste his money for nothing on an unprofitable old man. Besides, all the money he had was already used for investments. And didn't Louis also use a lot of his money for the same investments? So why was he pretending to buy that pathetic statue at an unreasonable price! Having no money, yet wanting to trouble others. Useless!

Alex cleared his throat and spoke with a hint of offense, this time slightly targeting Adam, "Come on. Aren't you my brother-in-law? Is it polite for me to step in when you already have good intentions? But, that's if you're truly capable, Adam. If you really want to help someone, you should use what you have personally. That would seem more sincere."

Adam furrowed his brow, confused about what Alex was trying to convey. He seemed reluctant to offer help to Louis but was being pressured as if it was something Adam must do. Despite his intention to help!

Adam asked with a puzzled and suspicious look, "If someone wants to be helped, shouldn't it matter whether it's my money or Anna's?"

Anna nodded in agreement, speaking after her husband, "Exactly."

Louis was at a loss for words, hoping for Alex's help, but the man turned away. He didn't want to degrade himself in front of Adam, whom he had insulted. So, he finally spoke with a heavy and sarcastic tone, "Hey, I know. You offered me money, then brought that statue, right? Very clever! You're so fucking cunning. I know you're going to claim that dragon statue because you paid for it! Fine, then I don't want that thing anymore. Just pay if you really want it!"

Adam was in disbelief, was he just falsely accused? Louis was so cruel. Adam couldn't believe it.

He then spoke angrily, "What kind of accusation is that? Does that make any sense?”

Louis sighed, then answered arrogantly, "Isn't that right? You really want that statue, don't you? Then take it! Consider it a charity from me!"

What charity?

Alex then spoke up, challenging Adam, "Don't waste my sister-in-law's money, Adam. Use your own money if you still want to be considered a worthy husband!"

Louis chimed in, provoking as well, "Exactly! If you have any shame, use your own money. That way, I won't hesitate to show my respect to you. That's if you're capable! Haha."

What kind of situation is this? Why am I suddenly being cornered like this? They are truly cunning!

Anna touched her husband's hand, speaking softly as she leaned closer to Adam's ear, "Should we leave? They are setting us up, Adam. We don't have to entertain them."

Alex, seeing Adam's anxious expression, felt very satisfied. He then spoke to further pressure Adam, threatening, "Don't run away, you will tarnish the McLauren family's reputation. And don't you want to avoid making Grandma hate you even more? So, pay up quickly!"

Adam let out a frustrated sigh, feeling very annoyed. How could he be trapped in such an absurd situation! And with no other choice, he finally spoke firmly and confidently, "Fine, I'll pay with my own money! And if I can, then you must stop talking. It's highly inappropriate for a respectable man from a prestigious family to corner someone like me. You've gone too far.”

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