Louis shouted angrily, feeling slightly humiliated, "Check your machine, fool! It's impossible that all my cards are not working!"

The staff sighed and tried to remain patient, then politely said, "I apologize, Sir. But our machine is working fine. Would you like to proceed with the payment transaction using another method?"

Louis rubbed his face roughly, with Adam still watching him in front of him. If this continued, he would surely be embarrassed. So, he protested again to the staff in anger, "Do you think I'm crazy to carry that much cash in my wallet?"

Adam tried to offer a solution, he said to Louis, "If you don't mind, I can help you withdraw cash from the nearest bank. But if you prefer not to, you can borrow money from me, Sir."

Louis looked at him cynically, seeing Adam's kind offer as an insult. Besides, how could Adam lend him money when he himself couldn't bet earlier. Louis scoffed cynically, then said, "You? Lend me money? Am I hearing wrong? How much do you have, anyway?"

Adam glanced at his wife for a moment to seek approval, then reached into his pocket and took out Anna's debit card containing the capital for their store. He then said, "I believe the money in this card is enough to help you. You can return it tomorrow. Anna doesn't mind."

Louis furrowed his brow and stared at Adam with disgust, then said, "So, this is your wife's money?" He then snorted cynically and continued sarcastically, "What kind of man offers help with money that is not his own? Have some self-respect, at least."

Adam sighed and took back the card, realizing that Louis was indeed a proud man. He wouldn't easily accept help from others as it would tarnish his self-worth. Adam then spoke indifferently, seemingly ignoring all of Louis's insults, "Actually, this is our store's money. But if you don't want it, I won't insist."

Louis rolled his eyes arrogantly, then argued, "Well, who would want to use your wife's money? I'm not poor like you." He then turned to Anna and spoke softly with a slight smile, "I'm not a loser who takes advantage of a woman's money. You should know that. I can handle this on my own."

Anna then looked at him with disgust and repulsion. She almost felt like throwing up at Louis's nauseating smile.

Unexpectedly, Alex, the eldest son-in-law of the McLauren family, approached them. He, who was interested in the auction there, was surprised to see Adam, Anna, and his friend Louis.

He glanced at Adam with disgust, then turned to Louis and smiled before greeting him, "Mr. Louis, what a coincidence to meet you here." He looked cynically at Adam and sarcastically said, "I never thought a prestigious place like this would also provide seating for street trash." He intended to insult his brother-in-law. But Adam ignored him.

The old man's face instantly changed from stern to friendly when he greeted Alex, "Mr. Bown, it is an honor to meet you here. Would you also like to attend the auction?"

Alex smoothed his slick blond hair and acted gallantly by adjusting his expensive suit. He then arrogantly said, "I was planning to. But, I got lazy because some trash was allowed in here. I can't stand the foul smell."

Louis immediately understood Alex's remark; he surely didn't want to be in the same place as Adam, despite their family ties. He then mockingly said, "I understand, Mr. Alex, the trash here is indeed very bothersome. Should we go somewhere else?" offering, but then he remembered his unfinished business and added, "But, I have to take care of the paperwork here. I just got a good item in the first session earlier. But, my debit card is having issues."

Alex looked suspicious, afraid that Louis might ask him for money. However, he dismissed the crazy thought and asked curiously, "What good item is that, Mr. Louis? And how much does it cost?"

Louis looked excited at his business partner's question, hoping Alex would help him. It would be more honorable than accepting an offer from Adam, which clearly tarnished his pride. He enthusiastically said, "It's a historical dragon statue. Purely made of gold and silver. And you know, Mr. Alex? I got it for five million dollars! Isn't that amazing?”

Alex swallowed hard upon hearing the exorbitant price, even though his car was not as expensive as that. But, what's with this old man Louis? Getting an expensive statue at the auction but unable to pay for it, is he out of his mind? Alex clearly refused to help him, even though they were business partners!

Alex then put on a fake surprised expression and said, "That's very expensive. But why don't you quickly pay for it? Isn't the next session about to start?"

Louis sighed and put on a pitiful face, wanting to be pitied. He explained, "All my cards are inaccessible. It's probably the doing of my son who used up all the money. So, there's nothing left here. I have other savings in the bank, but it would be very inconvenient to withdraw five million at the moment." He then glanced at Adam with a disapproving look and continued, "Yeah, actually Adam offered me help, but it turns out he doesn't have that much money. He even gave his wife's card, isn't that impolite?”

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