Adam sighed wearily. He had just lost a precious hope, which could have been a bridge to winning his grandmother's heart.

Gently, Anna embraced her husband and gave him strength, knowing that Adam had tried his best. She spoke softly and attentively, "It's okay, darling. We will find something better than that statue."

Adam nodded lightly and began to gather his spirits again. He smiled at his wife and said firmly, "You know I never stop trying. Next time, I will definitely find something better than that statue for grandma."

His friend Edwin also offered support, patting Adam on the shoulder and encouraging him, "Come on, there are plenty of good things in this world. Don't be sad just because of one statue."

The onlookers rose from their seats and looked towards Adam, some grinned and others chuckled softly as if mocking Adam for losing in the competition.

Including Louis, the old man with a sturdy and arrogant physique, stood up and approached Adam with a satisfied expression. He gazed at Adam arrogantly and said mockingly, "As an antique lover, you should know me. I will never back down from anyone for the item I desire."

Adam looked at him bravely, feeling not at all defeated just because Louis had succeeded in getting the item he wanted. He spoke firmly, "I'm just trying to be a good grandson to my grandmother. I have no intention of competing with you."

The bearded old man chuckled, his voice heavy and hoarse. He sarcastically said to Adam, "How long have you been married? Have you not been accepted by the McLauren family all this time that you have to try so hard? How pitiful. If I were you, I would raise my self-esteem and leave. What's the point of trying so hard if the result is still zero. It's all in vain."

Anna, feeling annoyed, retorted firmly, "Mr. Louis, it is not right to intrude into someone's personal life like that. Aren't you a respectable man?"

Louis grinned again, looking at Anna with a hungry, almost lecherous expression, then rudely said, "Anna, we have known each other for a long time." He approached Adam's wife and touched the tip of her hair, causing the woman to startle and step back. He continued, "It's a pity with your beautiful face, you are not suited for a life of poverty. Even if you don't mind, I am willing to accept you if you separate from him." He said flirtatiously.

Adam, witnessing this, could not bear it. He pushed Louis away and pulled his wife to shield her, saying angrily, "Please watch your words. A respectable man would not speak like that to another man's wife."

Louis, who had lived alone for a long time without a partner, often flirted with classy girls and women he found attractive. Anna, being his ideal type of woman, besides being beautiful and young, the youngest granddaughter of the McLauren family was also wealthy and intelligent. However, her poor husband was a thorn in his side.

Louis longed to be close to Anna if possible, but he knew Adam was not easily pushed aside. So, he arrogantly and teasingly said to Anna, "Darling, does your grandmother really desire that statue? I could give it to you, but you must be willing to have dinner with me at my private villa tomorrow night."

Anna cursed in her heart, clearly disgusted by the old man's words.

Meanwhile, Edwin, who had been silent until now, could not hold back his disdain and said to Louis, "Goodness! You already smell like a zombie, yet you still flirt with another man's wife. Shameless!"

Louis, hearing this, growled in irritation, "What!”

Adam, also feeling irritated, chose to ignore the empty words. He spoke for the last time, very firmly, "My wife will not go anywhere. Please have the statue and stop saying inappropriate things to my wife."

The old man looked furious, his wrinkled face dark and angry. He cursed roughly, "You fucking damn poor guy! Watch where you speak!"

Louis wanted nothing more than to curse Adam thoroughly if given the chance. However, a staff member approached him and informed him to come to the administration area to settle the payment invoice.

So, the old man finally contained his emotions and left them.

While waiting for the next auction session, Adam and Anna decided to go to a cafe instead of waiting indoors. As they were about to descend to the building's lobby, they heard a small argument in one of the rooms near the auction hall.

One of the voices was familiar to them, it was Louis' voice. It turned out that the place was the auction administration area. The old man seemed to want to pay for the dragon statue he had just bought, but there was a major issue that caused him to clash with the staff there. Curious, Adam and his wife decided to investigate.

Adam asked with curiosity when he arrived there, "Excuse me, is there a problem? We heard a small commotion from outside."

Louis remained cold and turned his face away, ignoring Adam and not saying a word. Meanwhile, the administrative staff politely explained, "There is a slight issue regarding the payment transaction."

Louis, looking irritated, reached into his wallet and took out all the cards he had, then handed them to the female staff member in front of him a bit roughly. He said with an annoyed tone, "Don't think I can't pay. Quickly swipe that card!"

The female staff member swiftly took the Electronic Data Capture and swiped each card given by Louis, but all the cards were the same as the ones he had given before. With a heavy heart, the staff spoke, "I'm sorry, sir, we cannot access any of your accounts. Would you like to pay in cash instead?”

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