Adam looked hesitant, remembering that he had used most of his savings to buy a gift for his grandmother's birthday yesterday. But if he borrowed money from Edwin, it should be enough.

So, he turned to his friend and said, "I want to get this one, please lend me some money."

Edwin looked surprised to hear that, and he said anxiously, "Are you serious? That's a lot of money, Adam! Are you sure?"

Adam nodded confidently.

Suddenly, the old Louis raised his number and bid high, "Two million dollars."

Adam felt a bit nervous, but he still couldn't bid any higher. He raised his number and bid, "Two million one hundred thousand."

People looked towards him, as did Louis. So far, no one had dared to challenge the old collector, because when he made a bid, it meant he wouldn't let go of the item for anyone, no matter the price he had to pay.

Louis bid again, his voice loud, "Two million five hundred thousand."

All attendees were surprised, doubting if Adam could bid higher than the elderly senior.

A woman spoke in the midst of the intense bidding, looking down on Adam, "The poor McLauren son-in-law, can he come up with such a large sum of money? I highly doubt it."

"Mr. Louis, we never lose in bidding for items, let's see. He will only embarrass himself."

Ignoring the people around him, Adam raised his number again and bid, "Two million seven hundred thousand."

Edwin looked increasingly anxious, thinking Adam had lost his sanity. So, he said to his friend in a panic, "What are you doing? My savings are not enough. Just give in to the old man.”

But Adam remained steadfast. He was still determined to acquire the dragon statue. Perhaps, this statue would be the key to winning over his grandmother and his wife's family to accept him into the McLauren family.

He looked at Edwin and tried to reassure his worried friend, "It's okay. I still have enough money," he said confidently.

Edwin chose to stay silent and became a mere spectator. He knew he couldn't do anything to stop Adam.

Louis raised his number again and shouted, "Three million dollars."

The crowd cheered, as it was already double the initial offering price. If Adam dared to bid higher, he would surely incur a loss as the price was already exorbitant.

However, Adam wasn't focused on the money; he saw a significant opportunity to win over his wife's family. So, with confidence, he raised his number once more and boldly bid, "Four million dollars!"

Everyone was stunned. It was a crazy move. Adam not only bid a few hundred thousand higher, but he added a straight million!

Louis was also surprised, he grinned with his distinct deep voice and looked towards Adam. With his sharp gaze from his wrinkled eyes, he arrogantly said, "Please don't joke. I know you have an antique shop in town, but four million for that statue? Are you sure you can resell it for a comparable price?"

Adam looked at him and smiled confidently, calmly saying, "The price is not the main concern, Mr. Louis. I want the dragon statue to give to my wife's grandmother. She has been eyeing it for a long time.”

Hearing that, Louis smirked cunningly, as if he understood something. Then, he spoke somewhat mockingly, "Ah, I see. You could potentially double your money from the McLauren family." Suddenly, he raised his bidding paddle and went crazy, "Five million dollars!"

Everyone present couldn't stop being astonished; these two crazy men were betting their entire fortunes just for a statue.

As the atmosphere grew increasingly heated and tense, Anna finally intervened with Adam, her beautiful face looking worried and anxious. She pleaded, "Adam, stop. This has gone beyond our means. Let the statue belong to Mr. Louis."

Adam looked at his wife with a puzzled expression, asking, "Why? Doesn't Grandma really want it?"

Anna sighed, trying to appear calm, then gently explained, "I know you really want to win over Grandma. But, this is too much. I beg you, we can find another way to make her happy. Okay?"

Adam fell silent after hearing that, carefully considering her words.

And as the bidding ceased, the auctioneer began the countdown. With a loud voice, "Alright, no more bids? For the twelfth-century dragon statue, Five million dollars once. Five million dollars twice. Five million dollars thrice."

Bang.. Bang.. Bang..

The gavel struck the table, signaling the successful sale of the auction item.

"The golden dragon statue is sold for five million dollars to bidder number ten. For payment procedures, please follow the instructions from our staff. This auction will resume in one hour after the break. Thank you.”

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