His spirits instantly dampened, with a weary expression and a weak sigh, Edwin looked at his friend and said despairingly, "Well, I guess we'll just watch. It's impossible to get anything with him here."

Adam simply nodded quietly, responding in the same despondent tone, "You're right."

Meanwhile, Anna gazed at the two gloomy men with confusion. She asked her husband curiously, "What's wrong?"

Adam shook his head, smiled, and calmly replied, "It's nothing. Isn't this your first time in a place like this? You'll see crazy people throwing their money away for something old." He playfully pinched his wife's cheek.

Anna's fair face blushed with embarrassment. A hint of red spread to her ears. She gently punched Adam's chest, covering her embarrassment, and said, "Stop it. You're one of those crazy people too, Adam." The beautiful woman then laughed.

The footsteps of the elderly man stopped next to Anna. He turned and greeted the granddaughter of the McLauren family in a flirtatious voice, "Unexpected to meet you here, Mrs. Anna. How are you?"

Anna was slightly surprised to be greeted by Louis, but she remembered that Louis was one of the colleagues who worked for her grandmother. They had met in the past.

Anna slightly bowed and greeted politely, "Hello, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you here.”

The old Louis also greeted Adam, extending his hand and saying, "Isn't this Anna's husband? Allow me, I'm Louis Bernhard, a long-time friend of Mrs. Elisabeth. I've heard a lot about you in this city."

Adam smiled awkwardly, sensing Louis's arrogant and firm demeanor, he knew the old man seemed to belittle him. Especially with the rumors circulating about him, they must be negative and unfavorable. Adam understood that the greeting was meant to provoke him.

With a bit of stiffness, he shook hands with the old man with a long white beard, offering a insincere smile. And as their skin touched, a flash of light dazzled Adam's eyes, displaying the strange projection where information emerged from the person in front of him.

Louis Bernhard

58 years old

Wealth balance: $27,550,600,900

Debt balance: $500,107,980,000

Adam almost didn't blink for a few seconds, but realizing he might appear strange, he quickly spoke politely, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Louis."

"So that's how it is."

Adam finally understood how the mysterious magical stone worked; he just needed to touch someone, and information about that person would instantly appear in a fascinating way.

However, there was something odd about the man named Louis. He appeared very wealthy and respected, but his debt exceeded his wealth.

Was the information incorrect?

Adam tried not to dwell on it and focused on his goal.

Shortly after, the auction finally began. The first item offered was a Roman legacy bronze candlestick.

The auctioneer opened the bidding, shouting loudly, "Candlestick belonging to King Charles, starting at two hundred thousand dollars."

Edwin's eyes widened in shock, almost popping out of their sockets. He turned to Adam in panic and said, "This is insane, Adam! How can that lousy item be so expensive?"

Adam just smiled wryly, speaking softly but cuttingly, "Blame King Charles for using that item. If your ancestors had used it, it might just be ordinary junk now, not an antique!"

Moreover, Edwin was quite peculiar. He was the one who had the idea to come to this exclusive auction house, yet hearing bids in the hundreds of thousands made him panic.

The participants started raising their numbers, and bids were heard one after another.

"Two hundred two hundred thousand dollars."

"Two hundred three hundred thousand dollars."

"Two hundred four hundred thousand dollars."

Edwin nudged his friend sitting next to him and whispered, "Are you going to take it or not?"

Adam shook his head decisively and replied, "No. I want something else."

The candlestick was eventually sold for two hundred five hundred thousand dollars to a wealthy entrepreneur.

Next, a dragon-shaped statue made of pure gold and silver was offered. The auctioneer opened the bidding, saying loudly, "Twelfth-century Dragon God statue, revered by ancient inland communities, starting at one million five hundred thousand dollars."

Adam and his friend were amazed, the beautiful statue with stunning carved details turned out to have an incredibly high price.

No wonder, besides being made of pure gold, the item also held significant historical value. Without delay, people began raising their bidding paddles.

"One million six hundred."

"One million seven hundred."

"One million seven hundred five thousand."

Anna, sitting next to Adam, gently touched her husband's hand. Her face looked somewhat hesitant, but she then spoke anxiously, "Adam, that's the statue Grandma has been eyeing for the past few years. If possible, can we get it? Grandma would be thrilled and grateful to you.”

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