Edwin nodded slightly, saying, "I've contacted her, but I didn't mention your injury. I told her the store was a mess, and you stayed overnight to clean it up."

Adam looked relieved, recalling the events from the party yesterday. "Anna has had enough trouble because of me. This shouldn't bother her."

Edwin patted his friend's shoulder gently, saying, "I understand, buddy."

Adam sighed, staring at his palm, feeling something odd. About the strange stone, Adam couldn't stop thinking about it. He then spoke to Edwin, "I feel like something is bothering me right now."

Edwin looked at him curiously, asking, "What is it? Is it about the scam scheme?"

Adam looked back at his friend, then replied, "No, it's about the jade statue I broke. I remember there was a large piece stuck here," he pointed to his empty palm.

Edwin remembered something, then reached into his pocket. He handed a small object to Adam, "This stone? You've been holding onto it all the time. I thought it was valuable, so I kept it."

Adam gazed at the stone with a puzzled expression. He remembered the jade statue being purplish-green with bright contrasting colors. Where did this stone come from? Black, dark, yet so shiny.

Taking it from Edwin's hand, Adam's eyes suddenly lit up like a beautiful galaxy light. But no one noticed.

As he left the hospital, Edwin helped him get out of bed, and when their palms met, a flash of light suddenly appeared, dazzling Adam's eyes. He almost fell, but Edwin caught him.

Adam looked at his friend, and the world around them changed. Strange information appeared around Edwin's body like a projection screen coming out of a computer.

Edwin George McClair

27 years old

Wealth balance: $958,987,283.67

Debt balance: $503,722

Edwin looked puzzled as his friend suddenly drifted off into thought. He then called out a bit loudly, "Adam! What's wrong?"

Adam startled and slightly dazed. He quickly shook his head and replied, "Ah, nothing. Let's go."

Arriving home, Adam sat on the balcony, staring at the black stone that captured his attention. He was sure there was something off about the stone.

So, he took the initiative to call a professor of archaeology he knew.

When the call connected, Adam spoke up, "Hello, Professor. Sorry to disturb you. It's Adam."

The old man on the other end sounded surprised yet pleased, "Adam? It's been a long time since I heard from you. You naughty boy, never visited me again after the historical site excavation last year."

Adam chuckled, knowing his mentor must have missed their past work. He then continued, "Professor, I've been quite busy. Sorry for not visiting. But, I have something interesting to ask you about."

His conversation partner sounded curious, "What is it? Some ancient giant bones or a large gemstone?"

Adam smiled and replied, "Neither of those. But, this is even more intriguing."

The professor responded over the phone, "Alright, meet me at the national park seminar next week. I'm busy right now." Then, the call ended.

Lunchtime had arrived, Adam stood and looked at himself in the mirror after showering. He removed all the bandages covering his right hand and gazed in amazement at the fading scars from the glass shards.

What's going on? Yesterday it felt so painful and excruciating. But why did everything suddenly heal so quickly?

Adam was convinced that the mysterious stone was the cause. Besides the strange information projected suddenly around Edwin, the stone also accelerated his body's recovery.

Adam couldn't just keep it in his pocket; the stone might get lost or fall out. So, he took the initiative to take one of his silver necklaces and tied the stone to it as a pendant. This way, the object would be safe and he could wear it anywhere.

After finishing lunch with Anna and Edwin, they all went to the auction house. Edwin told him that the items being offered at this new auction were very intriguing. Unfortunately, only Edwin had a membership card, so Adam and his wife had to accompany their friend throughout the event.

As they entered the building, Edwin stepped forward and showed his membership to the staff, mentioning that Adam and Anna were with him. They were then allowed to enter.

The event was set to start in about half an hour. They sat in the middle seats of the hall. Many collectors from various cities were present, most of whom were well-known figures in their field.

Adam nudged Edwin sitting next to him and whispered softly, "I doubt we'll get any good items this time. Look over there, those people will surely bid high prices."

But Edwin appeared very confident, saying assuredly, "Don't worry. As long as old Louis isn't here, we'll get something."

Just as Edwin finished his sentence, the doors of the hall swung wide open. Someone with a strong aura entered with their private guards.

Everyone in the room looked on in awe and unease. How could they not? The person who entered was the most renowned collector in the entire city, an elderly man with his valuable million-dollar cane.

Edwin and Adam swallowed hard, the person they feared had unexpectedly appeared there.

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