chapter 54

In the days following the mysterious visitor’s appearance, Victor’s mind buzzed with uncertainty. His thoughts constantly returned to the prophecy, its ominous weight hanging over him like a storm cloud. He couldn’t shake the feeling that the choice he would eventually have to make would tear him apart.

Selene noticed the change in him. They continued their search for the ancient artifacts, but Victor’s focus seemed to drift. She tried to approach him one evening as they were studying a map in their lair.

"Victor, you've been distant since the man appeared. What’s going on?" Her voice was soft, concerned.

Victor didn’t look up from the map, but his grip on the table tightened. "I’m just trying to understand what all of this means, Selene. The prophecy, my role in it, how it ties into everything we've been through."

"Do you really think you're going to have to make this impossible choice?"

Victor finally met her eyes, and for the first time in a long while, Selene saw doubt flicker in
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