chapter 56

Lucius motioned for them to follow, leading them down the dimly lit hallway. The walls were lined with old portraits and dusty relics, evidence of centuries spent in isolation. They reached a heavy, ornate door, which Lucius unlocked with a practiced hand. As it creaked open, they stepped into a room filled with ancient scrolls, old maps, and artifacts that seemed to hum with an eerie energy.

Lucius gestured for them to sit. "Welcome to my sanctuary. Here, I keep what little knowledge remains of our kind's forgotten history."

Victor surveyed the room with a mix of unease and curiosity. "We need information about the Harbinger and the remaining artifacts. You must know something."

Lucius leaned against a cluttered desk, his gaze piercing. "The Harbinger is a figure of legend, wrapped in mystery. Few know the truth, and even fewer survive to tell it. The prophecy speaks of a time of great upheaval, and the artifacts are key to understanding it."

Selene crossed her arms. "And what’s your
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