Bloody Day

In his minimalist, white-gray workspace, Ivo closes his eyes and rests his head on his chair.

The young Doctor looks tired from his daily routine.

Ivo has almost everything in his thirties, especially a very good career. God blessed Ivo with above-average intelligence, so at a very young age, Ivo had already mastered the field of medicine and was given the title of young genius doctor.

While his classmates had just been appointed interns, Ivo was already the head of the Emergency Department at a city public hospital.

As befits his position, there were undoubtedly more difficulties to deal with. Just like earlier, a sudden incident caused a stir in the emergency room. He was the one who had to step in to handle the situation.

Not only that, but Ivo also had to deal with injured mobsters who needed his help not once or twice.

And the risk is that apart from being physically and mentally exhausted, Ivo still has to cater to the relentless bluster of violent mobsters.

Why not? Because the country he lives in has a high mafia crime rate. So, this kind of challenge was part of the risk of his job as a doctor who had to help everyone.

"Doctor Ivo, wake up!" called his panicked colleague Samuel. Inevitably, Ivo had to wake up from his short nap.

"What's wrong? Did the mafia boss have a problem earlier? Why are you in such a hurry?" asked Ivo lazily, yawning tiredly.

"You look tired, Doctor. I think you need a lot of rest," another man's heavy voice said from behind the door, instead of Samuel answering.

Ivo's eyes opened wide as he clearly saw who the man before him was.

"Y-you? What are you doing here?" Ivo asked, half yelling.

"Why, are you scared, huh?" asked the well-built man, "Take it easy, I'm just visiting you and asking if you'd like to accept my offer from last week. I hope you'll agree to our partnership," he continued.

"Maybe in the eyes of a mobster like you human life is worthless if you don't like it, but not to me. I've told you many times, I won't agree to your offer, even if it's very high,"

"I'll be insulting God's grace if I use the knowledge I've learnt to wipe out many lives. So, stop coming after me from now on!" replied Ivo sternly and angrily.

Of course, Ivo was being harsh during this time. Again and again, this man, a mobster, came to him to make offers of cooperation.

They knew that Ivo was not just an ordinary doctor. He was a genius who could create sophisticated devices, poisons, antidotes, and occasionally simple bombs with different levels of explosive power.

Ivo was already categorized as a genius scientist who hid his genius as an ordinary young doctor. However, the mafia group knew Ivo was more than a successful young doctor.

"If you insult God's grace, I feel the same way, haha! I'm going to miss out on a lot of money when I can't be the number one mobster in this country. And you're the reason why," the mobster said with a laugh and then changed his tone to a serious one.

"You did me wrong twice. Firstly, you made me wait with your arrogance in refusing my offer. And second, you saved my enemy's life and made him run away right before I got here. And I am no longer patient enough to accept the harm you caused," the mobster said coldly.

"You can't threaten me. I have the right to manage," Ivo replied firmly.

"Not if I give you one last choice. You can only answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and the rest is out of my hands," the mobster said again.

"Whatever you threaten, I am not afraid. Go away and don't come looking for me again!" Ivo snapped at the mobster.

The mobster smiled sarcastically at Ivo. There was restrained anger in his eyes.

"Don't you think because I need your intelligence, you can just yell at me, huh? You don't know how much I enjoy seeing human blood flowing in front of me, do you?" the mobster said calmly but looked increasingly dangerous.

"Take this brat to meet his family and mates. Let him know, the mafia isn't a bunch of little kids that he can bully with a syringe," the mafia said rather sternly, ordering his subordinates.

And sure enough, after the mobster had left Ivo's office, two other well-built men entered and took Ivo roughly and mercilessly with Ivo's current refusal.

The punches and kicks continued before Ivo finally arrived at the hospital lobby. His eyes widened as he saw many people gathered fearfully on the floor.

Surrounding them were also many well-built, thug-looking men with sharp weapons and firearms on their bodies.

"Have you seen? No matter how much you resist, the people in front of you will lose their lives," the mob boss told Ivo.

"Stop it! Why are you doing this to everyone?! Your only business is with me, you bastard! Let them all go!" Ivo shouted and cursed at the mobster.


The mob boss fired a single shot at the patient behind Ivo.

Everyone screamed in hysterics and fear.

"Don't do that! Please..." pleaded Ivo in tears. He felt sorry for being the reason the mob boss had killed someone else because of him.

"See? It's easy to take the lives of people you care about when you don't care about my wishes. Don't think highly of yourself, young man. You're just like a golden egg that I want to get my hands on, but you keep forgetting that an egg is still an egg, and if I squeeze you, you'll easily break," the mob boss said calmly.

"But what you're asking is the same as killing a lot of people. I can't do it! Please, sir... Let everyone go. This is so cruel!" pleaded Ivo, who continued to wail and worship for the mob boss to let everyone go.

'bang bang bang!'

Three to five more shots rang out, and in an instant, the heads of those targeted by the mafia boss' bullets were splattered.

"Don't keep me waiting with your nonsense. The more you talk, the more people are covered in blood. And seeing that, I'm really excited, haha!" the mob boss's laughter echoed throughout the hospital halls.

"I can't, sir... I really can't!" replied Ivo, who continued to cry in refusal.

What difference did it make to Ivo himself? If he refused this time, then the people in front of him would die horribly. And if he granted the mafia's request to create weapons of mass destruction, then indeed, more innocent people would lose their lives.

No, no, no. Whatever Ivo decides, more people will die. But what if this is the case?

Ivo, who was close to the mafia boss, quickly grabbed the gun.

After getting the gun, Ivo pointed it at the forehead on the side of the crime boss's head.

"Stop it or will your brains be splattered all over the floor?"

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