Better to Die

Instead of being scared, the crime boss said with a mocking smile to Ivo, “Well, if the patients and workers here aren't enough to make you agree to my wishes,” 

“Bring them here!” he called back to his men.

“Yes, boss!” the man's men replied and quickly walked away. Not waiting too long, the rest of the criminals arrived with some new hostages, which immediately flabbergasted Ivo.

“Y-you guys?” Ivo stammered.

"Ivo, don't give them what they want, son. Just ignore us and go again!” The white-haired man who called Ivo his son pleaded with Ivo through the fear and pain in his body.

“Agh!” Ivo screeched as his body was kicked so hard that he fell to the floor. His distracted attention allowed him to be easily knocked back by the crime boss he had been holding hostage.

“Dad...” Ivo could only say softly as he looked at his father's battered body and face, which was undoubtedly the work of the criminals.

Ivo also looked at the two women he loved most: his mother and his girlfriend, Lia Zanni.

'Mom, Lia, I'm sorry for making you suffer like this,' he said softly as he saw his loved ones suffering because of the criminals.

“Why are you guys so bad? My family and all these people have done nothing wrong to you. They don't know anything about what you want from me. Just kill me, not them!” Ivo roared again in his helplessness.

“Oh, even after meeting your parents and lover you still want to brag again? Aren't you going to give up even after we bring these loved ones you've been hiding? It turns out that your arrogance is so strong, huh? Fine, if that's what you want!” the crime boss said again with a horrible grin.

“Hey, all of you. Just kill everyone here and let the blood that flows from each person be the burden that will crush his pride!” the crime boss gave a cruel order. 

“Especially his girlfriend, bring her to me. I will make sure that the arrogant doctor dies happily with me before his very eyes!” he continued, requesting that Lia be brought closer to him.

“No, don't do anything to Lia!” Ivo screamed as his girlfriend was forced to walk and pushed into the evil man's arms.

“Ivo, help me...” Lia cried out to Ivo for help as the knife in the crime boss' hand was brought close to her cheek.

“Please don't, sir! Don't hurt Lia! Let go-” Ivo's words weren't even finished when hard blows were delivered to his stomach and face.

Meanwhile, the other criminals began to torture the patients and hospital workers, along with Ivo's parents. The men were beaten as cruelly as possible. The women were subjected to the abuse of the bastard criminals. It all happened right in front of Ivo's eyes, who was now struggling to open his eyes due to the beating on his face.

Meanwhile, the crime boss started ripping off Lia's clothes with the knife in his hand and doing what he wanted to do to Lia's beautiful body as a spectacle for Ivo.

“Why do I have to see and experience all this, God? What did I do wrong to you to make my life a living hell?” Ivo cried out in helplessness.

In front of his own eyes, those closest to him were tortured, abused, and killed as quickly as the criminals raised their hands.

The helpless Ivo still wanted to fight at the end of this pain. He crawled with a weak body and a bleeding head, approaching one of the criminals who was currently off guard as the criminal was savagely abusing a nurse.

Ivo grabbed the gun in the criminal's pants pocket that was half dangling at his feet as he pumped the pleasure of his foul deeds on the nurse, and... 'Bang!'

The popping sound of the gun in Ivo's hand made everyone fall silent. The owner of the firearm Ivo had picked up lay lifeless on the floor after Ivo shot him.

“Stop everything!” Ivo shouted while roaring angrily. Stop your cruelty, please!” He continued threateningly with a plea as well.

Even though he had a gun in his hand, Ivo knew he wouldn't be able to fight the many criminals there, so he found pleading while threatening applicable at the moment.

After getting the gun, Ivo stepped back a little away from the mobster behind him. He put the tip of the firearm right on his own forehead.

“You want my brainwork, right? This cleverness is the real problem. So, if I die, then everything is finished. No one will suffer because of my cleverness. And I won't watch you kill them either!” threatened Ivo boldly.

“Haha!” the crime boss laughed after throwing Lia's body and shooting her to death.

“Lia!” Ivo shouted loudly. Not enough Lia, even the crime boss shot at random people mercilessly to bully Ivo.

“Why are you yelling? You want to shoot yourself, right? Just do it, why stop?” the crime boss said, laughing at Ivo.

'Bang!' The single shot aimed at Ivo managed to startle him, and he screamed again as the bullet knocked the gun in Ivo's hand to the ground.

“You're used to holding a scalpel, Doctor, not a gun,” the crime boss said, getting bored. Exactly how smart are you that you're so arrogant that even after the carnage in front of you, you ignore it?" He continued walking towards Ivo.

A hard punch from him instantly knocked Ivo to the floor again. The crime boss's big, heavy boots were now firmly on Ivo's head.

“It's your head that's worth a lot of money, right? That means the rest of your body is useless and I can hurt it.”

“How about hands? Ah, no. Your hands are still very useful. But...” The crime boss laughed again, “But your legs aren't that useful, right? You can still do anything with one leg,” he continued as he stomped hard on one of Ivo's feet. Ivo screamed again before replying weakly.

“Just kill me. I don't want anything from my body. Just kill me to end all this cruelty...” Ivo said. He was now semi-conscious in pain.

“Ahh, that sucks! Where was your arrogance earlier, Doctor? I wanted you to squirm just once and beg for mercy, yuck!” the crime boss spat in Ivo's face after removing his foot from Ivo's head.

“Just kill me... Just kill me... I don't want to live anymore...” Ivo mumbled before closing his eyes and falling unconscious.

“Damn arrogant doctor!” the crime boss taunted Ivo and returned his gaze to the hospital room, ”clean up everything and burn the place down. Get him in the car, I'll take him to Mr. Festo myself!” he continued to say.

After Ivo was put in the car, the crime boss drove Ivo in his car to Mr. Festo's place.

Ivo didn't know what other atrocities the criminals had committed in the hospital. All the sadness, pain, and resentment were carried away in his eyes.

But when he opened his eyes again, everything had changed. The surroundings had changed. Everything looked peaceful…

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