All Chapters of THE MAFIA DOCTOR: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 chapters
Arrogant Young Doctor
It’s nighttime on a protocol road in a small town in southern Italy. The traffic situation is chaotic as all the vehicles, which had been using the road equally, rush to the left and right sides, leaving the center lane empty.There was panic as several men dressed all in black with matching colored glasses were seen removing half of their bodies from the glass of their car doors to shout at road users who had not realized the presence of their car behind them.The men also did not hesitate to fire their guns into the sky. The situation lasted until the car with the armed passengers stopped at a city public hospital."Get out of the way or I'll crack your heads off one by one!" snapped a man holding a firearm and pointing it at everyone in his path."Get a doctor over here! Hurry!" said another man with the same appearance who was seen hurriedly carrying the bloodied man on his back."Doctor! Doctor! Where's the doctor?! Hurry up or I'll kill everyone here!" snapped the first man as
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Bloody Day
In his minimalist, white-gray workspace, Ivo closes his eyes and rests his head on his chair.The young Doctor looks tired from his daily routine.Ivo has almost everything in his thirties, especially a very good career. God blessed Ivo with above-average intelligence, so at a very young age, Ivo had already mastered the field of medicine and was given the title of young genius doctor.While his classmates had just been appointed interns, Ivo was already the head of the Emergency Department at a city public hospital.As befits his position, there were undoubtedly more difficulties to deal with. Just like earlier, a sudden incident caused a stir in the emergency room. He was the one who had to step in to handle the situation.Not only that, but Ivo also had to deal with injured mobsters who needed his help not once or twice.And the risk is that apart from being physically and mentally exhausted, Ivo still has to cater to the relentless bluster of violent mobsters.Why not? Because the
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Better to Die
Instead of being scared, the crime boss said with a mocking smile to Ivo, “Well, if the patients and workers here aren't enough to make you agree to my wishes,” “Bring them here!” he called back to his men.“Yes, boss!” the man's men replied and quickly walked away. Not waiting too long, the rest of the criminals arrived with some new hostages, which immediately flabbergasted Ivo.“Y-you guys?” Ivo stammered."Ivo, don't give them what they want, son. Just ignore us and go again!” The white-haired man who called Ivo his son pleaded with Ivo through the fear and pain in his body.“Agh!” Ivo screeched as his body was kicked so hard that he fell to the floor. His distracted attention allowed him to be easily knocked back by the crime boss he had been holding hostage.“Dad...” Ivo could only say softly as he looked at his father's battered body and face, which was undoubtedly the work of the criminals.Ivo also looked at the two women he loved most: his mother and his girlfriend, Lia Zan
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Sky And Lily In Action
'The target was put into a car and just came out of the hospital area. While the hospital itself is no longer saved, Boss,' A man's voice sternly reported the tense situation outside the hospital that Ivo had just left.“Alright, leave that place and leave the rest to me. Tonight looks like I'm going to have some fun,” muttered the man on the other end of the line. He grinned happily after turning off the phone with his men.“Alright, arrogant Doctor. Tonight I'll repay my debt of gratitude to you,” he muttered again before tapping his phone screen and bringing it to his ear.“Dad, get ready over there. Your guests will be arriving in no time. Brother Sky and I will be on the move,” he told the person he called ‘Dad’ and the short connection ended.The handsome man with a typical Asian face turned to the side, precisely to a white-skinned Englishman looking calm.“Are you ready, bro? Are you sure I'm going to be the executioner of that pretentious street rat this time?” the Thai-born
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Like Little Rat
“What the hell is he doing?! Does he want to get dead by playing with me? He doesn't know who I am, we'll see!” Durante shouted angrily and started to shift the clutch to pick up speed.“My brother doesn't need to know a little rat like you,”A man's voice behind Durante startled him instantly. Lily was already sitting behind him with a horrible grin.“Y-you? Who are you?” Durante shouted at Lily.“Don't ask so many questions and be a good driver. Your life will last a little longer if you are a good man,” said Lily, who was now pressing Durante's neck with the sharp tip of his knife.Durante nodded, but his hand, still holding the gun, was pointed straight at Lily. Unfortunately, before the gun was fired, the hand holding the gun broke off. It fell instantly after being quickly slashed by Lily's long sword.“You're pissing me off,” Lily muttered and ignored Durante's screams of pain. Lily pulled Durante's body to the side so that he could take the driver's seat.The pace of the car,
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The Lifesaver
'Ivo, don't give them what they want, son. Just ignore us and go again!''Ivo, I'm scared, son,''Ivo, help me...''Akhh!!!''Bang Bang! Bang!'“No, don't hurt them...” Ivo muttered.The sounds of screams, cries of pain, and gunshots kept alternating in the dream with the horrific scenes Ivo had just experienced.The eyeballs moving wildly inside the closed eyelids made it clear to the man next to where Ivo was lying that the doctor was having a nightmare.“Wake up if your dreams are too cruel for you to see, young man,” the words clearly heard in Ivo's ears calmed the wild eyeball movements.“Wake up if you don't want those events to keep coming even in your dreams.”The appeal of the same male voice was heard again.'Whose voice is that? Why does he know what I saw?' Ivo muttered to himself after realizing that he had just been dreaming, even though those eyes did not want to open yet due to the pain from the cruel man's blow earlier.However, Ivo's questioning voice couldn't be hea
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Gun or Sword
From the doorway came Lily, who walked casually over to Sky after pushing Durante's bloodied body to the floor.“Why do you look upset? You even threw him violently in front of Dad and Mr. Simon,” Sky asked his brother with a calm expression and tone.“Shut up, bro. You're adding to my annoyance!” Lily grumbled at Sky and turned to Mr Jack, “Dad, I've had enough. I'll leave him to you now,” he continued speaking to Mr Jack, whom he called father.Mr. Jack did not respond but smiled at Ivo, who was still stunned.“Do you know who he is, Doctor?” Mr. Jack asked. Instantly, Ivo sharpened his gaze on Durante's horrified face.The scene of the horrific event Ivo had experienced came back to him as he scrutinized Durante's face.“Wh-what is this? He was-”“Seeing you stunned and slurring your words tells me you've remembered who that man was. Good, after this, I'll leave him to you,” Mr. Jack said again, confusing Ivo even more.“What do you mean, sir? What am I going to do with the murdere
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Killing First Time
After more silence as Mr. Jack and his two children left, sad laughter could be heard.“Haha-” Durante grinned despite his bloodied and hideous face, “You made the right choice, Doctor, haha,” he continued. Ivo remained silent, still baffled by the situation.“If you had chosen to work with Mr. Festo and not give me a headache in the first place, we wouldn't be in this situation.”Durante's words brought back the deadly offer that Mr. Festo wanted from him. Ivo's memories of Mr. Festo, which had been neglected, resurfaced. One by one, the misfortunes in his unsettled life also came to Ivo's mind.“If you had accepted Mr. Festo's offer from the beginning, your life would also be happier with your family-”“Shut up!” snapped Ivo, who was now silent, thinking about the death of his family, and it was caused by Mr. Festo and the crime boss in front of him.“Alright, I'll shut up. I'm free after all. Turns out that crazy mobster was true to his word. I thought I would end up in his disgust
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Why Did You Help Me
Being asked like that made Ivo even more unable to think. He kept quiet and made Lily wait.“Restless, angry, scared, and sad,” Ivo finally answered with his head resting on his knees.“That's because you're weak and have never done such a great deed. It's natural, and I've done it before, too.” Lily replied until Ivo raised his face and looked at Lily in surprise.“Taking the lives of others you say is normal? What's really in your hearts? Why are you taking the lives of others so easily?! You're just as human as the people you all killed!” Ivo vented his current suppressed emotions on Lily.“That's what I think when I'm scared like you are right now. Before I was like this, I was also a gentle and timid human. I didn't dare to face people and look up at the sky with my head held high, even though I wasn't as weak as you.”“Well we're different, you're a doctor and I'm a fencer. I have at least some basic self-defense, and you don't. But, every human has their weaknesses, right?” Lil
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Beginning Revenge
In an American state, three months later…'Being humiliated is not a pleasant thing. Of course it's natural to feel hurt when we experience something similar. Have you also felt humiliated before? I don't know, but being treated like that must be very painful for the other person who feels it,''Not infrequently, some people turn that hurt into a long-lasting grudge. I'm not saying that's you, because grudges aren't good. However, when you feel resentment for being humiliated, let alone as humiliated as you were yesterday, you can avenge your resentment by implementing some things that might be useful for you,''First, become better. The best way to get revenge is to become better. Someday you should strive to be the better version of yourself that was humiliated and the version of the person who humiliated you.''Even if you can't compete in one thing, you should strive to excel in another. When you excel and can maximize your potential and become a better you, it means that you have
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