Beginning Revenge

In an American state, three months later…

'Being humiliated is not a pleasant thing. Of course it's natural to feel hurt when we experience something similar. Have you also felt humiliated before? I don't know, but being treated like that must be very painful for the other person who feels it,'

'Not infrequently, some people turn that hurt into a long-lasting grudge. I'm not saying that's you, because grudges aren't good. However, when you feel resentment for being humiliated, let alone as humiliated as you were yesterday, you can avenge your resentment by implementing some things that might be useful for you,'

'First, become better. The best way to get revenge is to become better. Someday you should strive to be the better version of yourself that was humiliated and the version of the person who humiliated you.'

'Even if you can't compete in one thing, you should strive to excel in another. When you excel and can maximize your potential and become a better you, it means that you have finished avenging yourself in the best way possible. But I'm not sure anyone would do that when they've been destroyed so badly,'

'Secondly, keep doing good to the person who humiliated you, you must avenge yourself by keeping doing good to him. Because if you get provoked and become your emotional self, it means you have failed halfway. You have no right to go back to avenge your enemy,'

'Being kind to people who are mean to us is certainly not that easy a thing to do. But there are many benefits. Mainly it makes you good at controlling yourself and having more organized emotions. You can think of this as an elegant revenge,'

'Third, avoid discussing with your enemies. They are the ones who put you down, making your life ruined and miserable. What do you want from them again? So try to avoid discussing with your enemy when he is already in your presence at the right time,’

‘Because it will only make you feel the overwhelming emotions and break your concentration. What's the point of causing more heartache and making you weak? Your weak attitude will catch you off guard and it will be used by your enemy again to turn the tables,'

'As much as possible, you should avoid triggers that make you feel emotional and hurt. When one of the things that makes you feel hurt is a person, then you should try to avoid or reduce interaction with that person,'

'So, those are some of the best ways to get back at people who like to put you down. Hopefully this will be useful and make you a much wiser and stronger person, Doctor!'

Mr. Jack's words kept ringing in Ivo's mind. Like right now when he was concentrating on aiming at a distant target in front of him. While observing the red center point on the target board, Ivo imagined a face he hated. Yes, it was Mr. Festo.

Remembering the words of Mr. Jack, who had been willing to take him in to change his broken life, Ivo imagined Mr. Festo's face on the target board as he immediately fired from the gun in his hand.

[Bang Bang Bang]

He fired three shots as he pulled the trigger. Did it hit the target? Not so bad, but that didn't satisfy Ivo.

“Agrh!!!” Ivo groaned in disappointment and crouched down while wringing his hair.

“That's not a failure, at least these three months your aim has gotten better. Your three shots have almost hit the main point of the target board. It's not as good as what I used to do, but you tried.”

“Get up, rest for a while. Your hand is already swollen that badly!” Sky held out his hand to Ivo to get him up from his frustration with himself.

Ivo took Sky's hand and stood up. They walked to the seat where Lily was already sitting.

“How are your hands like that going to hold a sword and play with me? You suck!” Lily grumbled while chewing the apple in his hand.

Sky and Ivo ignored Lily's remark and sat there together.

Today, Ivo was accompanied by Sky to practice shooting. Ivo had been practicing like this for three months. Mr. Jack had instructed Sky and Lily to teach Ivo to fight with weapons. Mr. Jack was Ivo's training partner in free fighting.

Mr. Jack cares about Ivo for a reason. When Ivo lived with Mr. Jack's family, he didn't become a burden on the mansion. Ivo, a doctor, became Mr. Jack's personal health expert and his children. The same goes for the Black Dragon members, who Ivo knew lived in a mafia den.

Ivo's arrogant and quiet demeanor is liked by Mr. Jack and his children. They decide to help Ivo become the person Ivo wants to be. At least strong and not as weak as Ivo wanted to be.

“You must have misinterpreted what our father said to you, arrogant man!” Lily commented, “You must be imagining your enemy's face on the target board, right? Admit it!” continued Lily with a mocking laugh.

“How do you know, sir?” Ivo was stunned. He didn't expect Lily to know what he was thinking.

“Don't be surprised because my brother also knew what you might be imagining when you shot that target board. We know because we made that mistake too. But seeing you slowly improve we decided not to ask, but in fact you continue to think wrongly even after three months have passed.” Lily chimed in again.

“Ignore him, do what you want to do. But I don't blame him for saying that you're doing the wrong thing in your training,” this time, Sky joined in to say that Ivo was doing the wrong thing.

“Lily and I are the lucky ones who met Mr. Jack who is now our father. We've had bad experiences that we can't equate, but he's the same helper for us.”

“After that, just like you, he taught us to hone our skills by practicing sharp weapons, firearms, and martial arts. But, as Lily said earlier. Each of us made the same mistakes as you,”

“The reason we honed our skills was not to strengthen our weak selves, but at that time we also envisioned taking revenge on our enemies, just like you during these three months. Dad knew that and gave us advice again,”

“The three ways of taking revenge are not merely to take revenge, but to change our mindset to become stronger. The pain we experience is the basis for the rise of our strength,”

“Once we succeed in becoming a new, stronger version of ourselves, then you will realize that revenge is not the most important thing at that time.”

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