Why Did You Help Me

Being asked like that made Ivo even more unable to think. He kept quiet and made Lily wait.

“Restless, angry, scared, and sad,” Ivo finally answered with his head resting on his knees.

“That's because you're weak and have never done such a great deed. It's natural, and I've done it before, too.” Lily replied until Ivo raised his face and looked at Lily in surprise.

“Taking the lives of others you say is normal? What's really in your hearts? Why are you taking the lives of others so easily?! You're just as human as the people you all killed!” Ivo vented his current suppressed emotions on Lily.

“That's what I think when I'm scared like you are right now. Before I was like this, I was also a gentle and timid human. I didn't dare to face people and look up at the sky with my head held high, even though I wasn't as weak as you.”

“Well we're different, you're a doctor and I'm a fencer. I have at least some basic self-defense, and you don't. But, every human has their weaknesses, right?” Lily recounted a little of what he had experienced, probably similar to what Ivo had experienced.

“I was born with a soft heart like a woman, but I did not betray God's creation because I am a man. Learning fencing is something that can mask my gentle nature from others, and my family supports that.”

“If you're at the top, of course what you're facing is no longer yourself, but a very strong wind that will knock you down again, and that wind is people who don't want to see me at the top,”

“They have money, power, and a selfishness that even young men from ordinary families don't want to match,”

“My family was slaughtered mercilessly. I was harassed so cruelly by criminals sent by others who didn't like my success.”

Lily, a handsome and dashing thirty-three-year-old man who had looked serious in Ivo's eyes several times, was now smiling sadly with an expression that was not joking.

“Then what happened after that? Did you kill them right away like I did? I hope you don't answer yes, sir,” Ivo responded and asked.

Lily smiled at Ivo, “You seem to be very curious, huh? We're not close enough to discuss my life in the past, you know?” he continued, refusing to continue his unfinished story.

“Then why are you helping me? Aren't you the ruthless and influential mafia? That man is also a criminal, just like you, right? Why did you help me turn the tables and save me from him? I'm nobody to you!” Ivo felt played by Lily.

“As easily as you saved our father's life, so easily will we save yours. My father already told you that this is his way of returning the favor. Me and that guy are just dutiful children who can only obey our father's wishes, that's all!”

“And the death of this rat at your hands has put our father at ease. He wanted to make sure you could take a stand against those who made you suffer. He doesn't want you to be weak and later regret that the destruction of your life will be repeated,”

“But I guess my life will always be disturbed by them because this man is just a messenger of the real villain,” Ivo's words that cut off Lily's sentence made him smile.

“But that's none of my business. I only came back to this room to get my sword and my brother's gun. Your business is with my father, not with me.” Lily replied with a smile and then went out of the room again.

Of course, Lily's careless treatment of him upset Ivo. But what could Ivo do? He was just a weak man who had just killed a life, and that was because of indirect encouragement from the ridiculous Lily.


A private plane with the Black Dragon emblem at the international airport in Italy was seen preparing to depart.

Lily and Sky were already on board and sat quietly while looking at Mr. Jack's face, which seemed to be waiting for something. Both of them knew what their father was waiting for.

“Boss, should we shut down the engines?” asked a crew member who approached Sky. Sky only raised one eyebrow and turned to Mr. Jack, who continued to look out the window.

“Maybe our destiny to help him has to end here. Just fly the plane, we don't have to wait here anymore,” Mr. Jack said without turning to Sky or the waiting men.

“Yes, Boss!” the crew replied, returning to the pilot's seat.

[Drrt Drrt Drrt]

The ringing of Mr. Jack's cell phone broke his silence. Mr. Jack silently listened to the caller's words with a smile.

“Well, thank you and see you soon, Simon. Stay alive to see me again someday,” Mr. Jack said in Italian in response to Mr. Simon's words.

“Sky, wait a little longer. We have one more passenger coming,” Mr. Jack smiled and looked calm.

Not long after, Mr. Jack's men informed him that a man with bandaged hands arrived with Mr. Simon's men.

With the help of Mr. Jack's men, Ivo boarded the plane and went straight to Mr. Jack with his head slightly bowed.

“Mr. Jack, can I come with you? I have a lot to ask you, at least. It's also because I don't know where else to go after what happened to me.”

“I don't have a home to live in peace and I'm also still wanted by people who are worse than the person I killed,”

“So please, let me come with you. I'll pay my own way and do whatever you say, as long as...”

Ivo hung his sentence in doubt.

“As long as you don't tell me to kill any more people. I can't do that. If you can, please consider me living and sheltering with you, sir, and it's not for free. I'll be of use to you as long as you need me,”

Ivo meant what he said. Even if it's in return, Mr. Jack's help through his children makes Ivo believe that Old Jack is not ordinary and can help him. Mainly when he listened to what the murdered Durante said about Mr. Jack and his children being mafia.

Ivo needed to ask more questions to satisfy his curiosity and achieve what he wanted to do to the people who hurt him.

After this, Ivo Brizzy's life changes much from his previous quiet life because Ivo will never be the same man with Mr. Jack and his sons.

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