Killing First Time

After more silence as Mr. Jack and his two children left, sad laughter could be heard.

“Haha-” Durante grinned despite his bloodied and hideous face, “You made the right choice, Doctor, haha,” he continued. Ivo remained silent, still baffled by the situation.

“If you had chosen to work with Mr. Festo and not give me a headache in the first place, we wouldn't be in this situation.”

Durante's words brought back the deadly offer that Mr. Festo wanted from him. Ivo's memories of Mr. Festo, which had been neglected, resurfaced. One by one, the misfortunes in his unsettled life also came to Ivo's mind.

“If you had accepted Mr. Festo's offer from the beginning, your life would also be happier with your family-”

“Shut up!” snapped Ivo, who was now silent, thinking about the death of his family, and it was caused by Mr. Festo and the crime boss in front of him.

“Alright, I'll shut up. I'm free after all. Turns out that crazy mobster was true to his word. I thought I would end up in his disgusting torture, they’re a bunch of trash! He’s a disgusting guy!” Durante cursed at Lily for torturing him.

“They’re stupid mafia. They're powerful people who are influential and targeted by their enemies, but why are they keeping me alive? They don't know what I can do after I heal my body, dammit!”

Ivo could clearly hear every word the mob boss said. His cursing at Mr. Jack and his son made Ivo remember what Mr. Jack had said before leaving him.

'It's up to you if you want to keep him alive. But let me be clear with you, young man. Your attitude now will determine your future which he has destroyed,'

'Ivo, don't give them what they want, son. Just ignore us and go again!'

'Ivo, I'm scared, son,'

'Ivo, help me...'

'Akhh!!! Doctor, save us!'

Ivo closed his eyes against his sadness and pain.

'That man Jack was right. My life has been ruined by those who are evil, but I have remained silent and let these criminals live,' Ivo began to realize, especially after his ears continued to hear Durante's curses and now began to crawl and rest on the iron bed where Ivo was sitting.

“You made the right choice, Doctor. At least you're not dead and I can still get the big bucks to get the surgery on my dick that that guy cut off. He’s a bastard! I'll get back at them later. I'll chase them until-”

“Shut up. That's enough!” Ivo snapped at Durante, who instantly fell silent, ”Aren't you grateful that your life is saved? Don't you want to repent and become a good person, huh?!” he snapped.

“Become a good person? You mean like you? Gosh, you're so naïve. Ah no, that's stupid!” Durante laughed at Ivo, “Then what will I get when I become a good person, huh? What do you have to gain by being a good person?”

“I've killed your father, abused your mother in front of your eyes, and your lover? I've even tasted her pleasure in front of your eyes too, haha!”

“Stop it!!!” Ivo yelled back at him while reaching out and pointing a gun in front of Durante.

“What is that gun for? You'll hurt your hand, Doctor. You can't use it to kill me, haha!” Durante laughed at Ivo and belittled him, ”Even though you're holding the gun, you can't do anything. Just like yesterday, you watched me finish off the family and people there, didn't you?”

“Is that the reward a good person like you gets? Hahaha! If that's the case, I will definitely choose to be-”

“Stop it!!!” shouted Ivo, who was already furious and disgusted by Durante's arrogant and inhumane words, as he pulled the trigger of the firearm in his hand.

Ivo shouted to emphasize his anger. He was also crying, and the crying signified his helplessness as a weak man who could only listen and watch injustice unfold before his eyes.

While screaming and crying, Ivo fired all the bullets in the gun right in front of him and shattered Durante's head shapelessly.

“Aghr!!!” Ivo screamed and roared. He was angry with himself for not being able to fight back against his current helplessness.

Meanwhile, outside the door of the room, Ivo was in.

“Give me my one million dollars, bro!” Lily smiled triumphantly at Sky, who looked lazy while pressing his phone screen.

The incoming message notification vibrated Lily's phone, and he immediately opened it.

“Why only five hundred? You're cheating, Black Sky!” Lily protested.

“He killed that rat using my gun, not your sword, so I'll only pay you half!” Sky replied indifferently, walking away, “Since you won, clean him up and help him get ready. Dad only gave us half an hour, right?” Sky continued without turning to Lily and continued walking away, leaving Lily upset.

It turned out that the siblings had made a bet on what Ivo would do. Mr. Jack still believed that Ivo would kill Durante, who had made him suffer, and he left it to his children to explain to Ivo about his future that would be ruined if he didn't kill Durante right now.

But it turns out that their feelings are right because Ivo is unlikely to let such a criminal live even though he is bound by the humanitarian code of ethics in his profession, which gives Lily the idea of stealing Sky’s money.

A million dollars is at stake for Lily and Sky as Ivo chooses which weapon he will use to kill the criminal. But instead, the sound of a gun going off was heard, which was a sign that Sky was the winner.

“Shit! Because of that stupid doctor I got cheated by my brother, what a jerk!” Lily grumbled and seemed to re-enter the room where Ivo was.

“Woah, what a mess,” Lily chuckled, but his facial expression looked casual as he saw Durante's shattered head with its contents and blood splattered on the floor. He even stepped over Durante's corpse like he was stepping over a disgusting carcass.

“I didn't expect the result of the first murder with a gun to be like this, tsk tsk. What a mess. Mr. Simon's men must be complaining when cleaning up all this,”

Lily's words were clearly not words of condolence. He was actually mocking Durante, who was already dead under his feet. Lily now sat on the edge of Ivo's bed and picked up his sword.

“Too bad you weren't chosen, my dear. This doctor prefers noisy weapons to you. Well, just go back to your house again,” Lily was seen talking to his sword before putting it into its sheath. Then she turned to Ivo through the rest of his crying.

“How do you feel after killing for the first time?” Lily asked and started to get serious.

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