All Chapters of THE MAFIA DOCTOR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 chapters
Don't Lose Yourself
“Then what's the most important thing? Isn't it natural that when we are strong, we can take revenge on the enemy who made us suffer? That makes us satisfied, doesn't it? Just like learning, when we know something we want, we will get satisfaction,” Ivo explained his thoughts.“You're wrong!” Sky and Lily replied simultaneously, which startled Ivo, but Sky and Lily smiled at each other.“When you become a stronger human, you will take your revenge on the first person, the second, and so on, until your enemies are gone. Then after that you will be addicted to committing the atrocities you did to your enemies even though you originally wanted to avenge them,”“But just so you know. When you start killing and you feel satisfied, then you will be no different from the person who destroyed you that time. You will unconsciously lose the identity of who you really are and what you want by being strong,”“After you avenge yourself, can you guarantee that you won't kill anyone else again? A hu
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Jackson Moreno
“Then what do you want after this? Do you already have your own ideas?” Mr. Jack asked.“I've thought about it, sir, but I'm not sure if you, Mr. Sky, and Mr. Lily are willing to make it happen,” Ivo replied.“Hmm, just say it,”“I want to go back to my country, sir,” Ivo ventured, though his words sounded hesitant, “I want to go back to Italy to see Mr. Festo,” he continued.“I want to see him once more to confirm the grudge I have. I'm not sure what I thought after I got here. After killing that villain there was somehow some relief, perhaps because I felt satisfied that I had finished off the villain who killed those closest to me,”“But, in the corner of my heart that I don't know where. There's a nagging feeling and I'm always reminded of the face of Mr. Festo, whom I met only once,”“My mind tells me that he's the real brains of the crime, but I don't know how to satisfy my helplessness. Besides being far away, even I who have lived this long have not been able to do anything th
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A Brave Woman Who Teaches Kindness
The tense atmosphere was evident to a young woman in the tree. Unbeknownst to anyone, the girl had been paying attention to the situation below her for a long time.Of course, Jack's situation was not possible. He was severely wounded, with one leg limping from being shot, and the other leg was pierced by a poisonous snake.‘Apparently a power struggle. Okay, I won't interfere then. After all, one mafia killed is a benefit for this country too. I'm sick of the mafia being glorified here!' the young Jasmine told herself. She watched a brother war drama from the top of a tree, quite tall for a girl her age.Jasmine was not one to go to such extremes. Even her father could not resist her strong will when Jasmine wanted to join the military training in America. Because of her stubbornness, this was where Jasmine was in the Amazon Forest.Currently, Jasmine is assigned to watch the forest from the top of a tree. This is part of her punishment for breaking the disciplinary rules.Jasmine wa
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A Gift For Mr. Festo
Nine o'clock in the evening Rome-Italy time. As Ivo was quietly preparing the luggage he would be flying back to America with, Lily's loud voice shook the hotel room where the three of them were staying.“Bro, have you heard the latest news?!” Lily asked in a hurried tone. The questioned Sky only raised one eyebrow without looking at his brother who had just arrived. Football was more interesting than looking at Lily.Meanwhile, Ivo seemed to be calmer and sat down, intending to listen to what Lily had to say.“Is this all your doing, arrogant man?” Lily, who knew he was being ignored by Sky, turned to Ivo who was sitting next to the bed.“My doing? What do you mean?” Ivo answered calmly.“Hey, Lily. Tell me how you're doing first and then you can ask him if you think he's at fault!” Sky grumbled and still didn't turn around.“Mr. Festo died!” Lily's words made Sky and Ivo turn to his simultaneously.If Sky's expression looked a little shocked, Ivo instead smiled happily with a cunnin
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Killing Without Touching
“So, all this is really because of the cigars you gave me on our father's orders?” Sky asked after understanding, “But do you think everything will go according to what you want?” he continued.“Black Dragon's messenger came to ask for his cooperation and I just heard that Mr. Festo is dead when he was fine before. Do you think the big guys around him will believe that Mr. Festo just had a simple heart condition?!” Lily chimed in with his thoughts.“How about we make sure together when we come to the funeral? If I fail, you can hand me over to them, with me willingly delivering my life to them without involving you.”“But if I succeed, please recognize my abilities and don't force me to be as proficient with fighting tools as you are. All people are different and cannot be equated in their abilities. Especially when it comes to fighting and survival.”Ivo's words were so bold that he asserted his confidence in Sky and Lily.“Prepare yourself for death, arrogant man!” Lily snapped at h
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Cigar of Death
The sudden death of such a big and important man as Mr. Festo left many questions among those who knew him, whether legal business associates or business associates in the black world.In the grand funeral hall, which was more appropriately a party hall, guests were gathered dressed in black, symbolizing their sorrow over Mr. Festo's death.Among the many guests offering their condolences were Sky, Lily, and Ivo, who had come together with Mr. Simon.The four of them were quietly watching who was attending and greeting Mr. Festo-Beniqno's only son because it would soon be their turn to offer their condolences to Beniqno on his father's death.“Hi, Doctor. Have you seen the look in his son's eyes so intently directed at us? Have you prepared a very fitting answer to avoid your capture by them?”“That's what Lily told you, isn't it? Jack and I don't want to get into trouble because of you, so deal with the trouble you've created!”Mr. Simon muttered Italian to Ivo because he was more co
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