Cigar of Death

The sudden death of such a big and important man as Mr. Festo left many questions among those who knew him, whether legal business associates or business associates in the black world.

In the grand funeral hall, which was more appropriately a party hall, guests were gathered dressed in black, symbolizing their sorrow over Mr. Festo's death.

Among the many guests offering their condolences were Sky, Lily, and Ivo, who had come together with Mr. Simon.

The four of them were quietly watching who was attending and greeting Mr. Festo-Beniqno's only son because it would soon be their turn to offer their condolences to Beniqno on his father's death.

“Hi, Doctor. Have you seen the look in his son's eyes so intently directed at us? Have you prepared a very fitting answer to avoid your capture by them?”

“That's what Lily told you, isn't it? Jack and I don't want to get into trouble because of you, so deal with the trouble you've created!”

Mr. Simon muttered Italian to Ivo because he was more comfortable speaking his language.

“Take it easy, sir. What I do I will guarantee with my own life. I've been lucky enough to live up to this point because of your help. How could I possibly trouble you again. Please believe in me, Mr. Simon. I'm really confident right now,”

Ivo needed to be more confident that what he was doing was without loopholes.

“Did you hear it yourself, sir? How arrogant is that man even though his life is on the line. I can't say anything more for him.” Lily muttered lazily and started walking leisurely ahead of him.

“Mr. Simon, it's our turn,” Sky calmly addressed Mr. Simon as a representative to walk over to Beniqno.

“Hi, Mr. Beniqno, I'm Simon. I'm the prospective business partner of Chemical Star who sent a messenger to meet with Mr. Festo yesterday.”

“Too bad, even though the plan is that today my nephews will meet you to discuss our cooperation plan. But unfortunately something this bad happened to Mr. Festo.”

“My nephews and I send our deepest condolences, Mr. Beniqno. Please give my regards to Mrs. Festo, as I see they are devastated by the death of your father.”

Mr. Simon delivered a long sentence of condolences with a sincere smile. However, Beniqno himself, who received the condolences, did not flinch in the slightest, and his gaze was fixed on Sky and Lily.

“Thank you, for coming to show your condolences to my father, sir. But it seems that I still want to talk a lot more than this time. Could you and your nephews come with me, I want to ask you something important about my father, considering the report I received that my father had met with your nephews yesterday before going to meet his other cooperation partner,”

“Don't think me impolite, Mr. Simon. I really dare not offend you. Who am I? I'm just an orphan who has just been left for dead by my father with his many wives,”

“I want to confirm one thing about my father. I also asked the same thing to the people my father met before he died. So don't worry because I'm just trying to be a dutiful son to my late father, Mr. Simon,”

Seeing the stares directed at Lily and Sky, Ivo doubted that his plan might fail and that what Mr. Beniqno would say to Mr. Simon, Sky, and Lily would end badly.

“Alright. We're coming with you.” Mr. Simon replied casually before walking to follow Mr. Beniqno's aide's directions to them. He smiled briefly at Ivo.

“Only Mr. Simon and his two nephews are allowed inside. Please wait outside!” Mr. Beniqno's aide extended his hand to block Ivo and Mr. Simon's two men from entering the different halls.

'I hope my plan doesn't catch on. I don't want to put those who helped me in trouble,' Ivo muttered, hoping for the best.

Ivo had waited with high anxiety and high hopes that everything would be fine. Perhaps, at this point, he didn't care about the punishment he would receive; even death was something he was willing to do. All he could think about was not wanting to cause trouble for the people who had helped him.


The door to the room where the people Ivo was waiting for was opened. Ivo immediately approached Lily and Sky, who were frowning at him.

“Congratulations, you got yourself into the biggest trouble of your life, arrogant man!” Lily whispered while arguing with Ivo, after which he walked calmly towards the exit.

Meanwhile, Sky patted Ivo's shoulder briefly without saying anything and left like Lily.

Now, it was only Mr. Simon who he was waiting for to explain what was being discussed there. Before long, Mr. Simon came out before the door was closed, and Ivo immediately approached him.

“Sir, what happened in there? Did I make a mistake for you guys?” Ivo asked frantically. His biggest worry at the moment was not wanting to trouble his helper.

Mr. Simon looked calm and frowned before speaking, “What exactly are you doing?” Ivo looked even more anxious and immediately prepared himself for punishment. Ivo looked down, feeling guilty and like a failure.

“We'll talk about this with Jack and his kids later, certainly not here.” Mr. Simon finished his speech and walked towards the exit, followed by two of his men.

Without saying a word, Ivo followed them and left the hall to mourn Mr. Festo's death.


The four gathered at Mr. Simon's private home. Sky seemed to be holding his cell phone and was connected to Mr. Jack, who was far away. Sky, Mr. Simon, and Mr. Jack spoke Italian, while Lily looked bored. As for Ivo, he was listening to what they said about their conversation with Mr. Beniqno earlier.

The gist of the conversation was that Mr. Beniqno was asking Mr. Simon questions, specifically to Sky and Lily. He wondered if his father had said or done anything that his son didn't know before he died? He wanted to know clearly from the people in contact with his father.

In the discussion, Mr. Beniqno shamelessly revealed that he was glad his father was dead, which would be his biggest reason for becoming the sole ruler. He would kick out the stepmothers who deserved to be his wives.


It is known that the late Mr. Festo was not only wealthy and successful. He also had seven wives who were around the same age as his son. But despite using a different wife every day to fulfill his desires, each of Mr. Festo's wives was unable to give him offspring. So, Mr. Beniqno, the son of Mr. Festo's first wife who has died, is the sole heir who has the right to fully control all of Mr. Festo's legacy.

Mr. Beniqno also told the story of his father, who had a vasectomy after his first wife died. He did not want to have any more children, just one, namely Beniqno. In addition, Mr. Beniqno also explained the cause of his father's death after Mr. Simon asked, and it was discovered that Mr. Festo died of an unbearable heart attack. The main cause was thought to be Mr. Festo's habit of not being able to reduce his smoking even though his heart health was worrying.

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