A Gift For Mr. Festo

Nine o'clock in the evening Rome-Italy time. As Ivo was quietly preparing the luggage he would be flying back to America with, Lily's loud voice shook the hotel room where the three of them were staying.

“Bro, have you heard the latest news?!” Lily asked in a hurried tone. The questioned Sky only raised one eyebrow without looking at his brother who had just arrived. Football was more interesting than looking at Lily.

Meanwhile, Ivo seemed to be calmer and sat down, intending to listen to what Lily had to say.

“Is this all your doing, arrogant man?” Lily, who knew he was being ignored by Sky, turned to Ivo who was sitting next to the bed.

“My doing? What do you mean?” Ivo answered calmly.

“Hey, Lily. Tell me how you're doing first and then you can ask him if you think he's at fault!” Sky grumbled and still didn't turn around.

“Mr. Festo died!” Lily's words made Sky and Ivo turn to his simultaneously.

If Sky's expression looked a little shocked, Ivo instead smiled happily with a cunning look on his face.

“You saw him, Bro. This guy is horrible!” Lily again said astonished and flabbergasted pointing at Ivo.

Sky, who initially didn't believe Lily's accusation that Ivo might be wrong, was provoked to ask Ivo the same question after seeing Ivo's horrifying smile.

“Was that man's death your doing? What did you do in such a short period of time?” Sky began to probe, “We haven't even spent our third night here!” he continued seriously.

“You're a madman! You kill silently, without a signal, and other suspicious things. Are you the nephew of the Grim Reaper, huh?! You didn't even touch him at all but just now his life was rumored!” Lily was slightly horrified at Ivo's face which continued to smile devilishly.

“You're crazy, you're horrible!” Lily continued his sneer.

“I thought twenty-four hours was too long. He should have died before the morning after our meeting with him yesterday,” Ivo casually answered the siblings' questions.

Ivo got up and seemed to be putting his things back into his bag.

“My brother and I are asking you seriously. Can you tell us what really happened?” Sky said calmly but Lily knew it was his brother's terrible seriousness.

“Dad, why did you tell us to bring this monster? What the hell is this?” Lily, who was shocked, sat down roughly on the sofa.

Ivo was silent as he finished stuffing several plastic packages that looked like seeds into a bag.

“I've taken my revenge, Mr. Sky, Mr. Lily. Now it's time to go back to Mr. Jack's place as I promised him,” Ivo answered calmly.

“Was his death because of the box of cigars you gave Lily for Mr. Festo yesterday?” Sky guessed right, because Ivo smiled and nodded.

Seeing that, Lily immediately got up and approached. He grabbed Ivo's clothes and squeezed them roughly.

“Hey, so you tricked me?! How dare you!” Lily's temper flared when he felt he was being played, “You also used our father's name to hand over the cigars to Mr. Festo. Do you know what the consequences of your stupidity will be?” continued Lily furiously.

“I know.” Ivo replied briefly and immediately his body was pushed roughly by Lily onto the bed. A visibly annoyed Lily immediately threw her punches at Ivo and almost touched Ivo's face if Sky didn't stop him.

“Lily, let him go. I want to hear his story!” Sky chimed in, “I also want to know why dad didn't talk to us about this first, and why this asshole is making us look ridiculous here.” Sky also looked annoyed as he glared at Ivo.

“Mr. Jack and I talked about this. I had it all figured out before I asked for permission to drive me to Italy,” Ivo started talking about what happened.

The story before Italy…

“Well, let's talk about your plans when you get there. I'm not going to trouble my best friend over there by mentioning the mafia who might be related to your enemies,” Mr. Jack asked thoughtfully.

“I want to meet and confirm something I've seen from Mr. Festo, sir. I already have a good plan and it probably won't cause you any hassle by helping me,” Ivo began to explain.

“Let's hear it,” Mr. Jack said again.

“In the past, I was introduced to Mr. Festo by the professor who mentored me. Professor Sante introduced me to Mr. Festo. I was also able to check Mr. Festo's overall health report, and I still remember all of that, sir.”

“Now that everything has happened, I've come back to those memories and found an opening to avenge him. I need the help of great men like you to see him again, because meeting Mr. Festo is very difficult and not at random,”

“When I see him and have confirmed something that I consider to be true, then everything is done, sir. I can make sure my vengeance is paid and my life will be more peaceful after making sure he dies by my own hand,”

“I can't use firearms or sharp weapons against opponents. I'm also not very good at fighting with my bare hands. But I can trust the way of fighting with my own abilities, sir!”

“Then what do you want to confirm?” Mr. Jack pressed the question further after finding Ivo's words reasonable to accept.

“I'm using my knowledge of drugs that will trigger a faster heart rate and make someone die. That's what I wanted to do to Mr. Festo,”

“As I recall, he had a history of severe heart disease but he couldn't give up his smoking habit. I asked you to take a look at him once just to make sure that Mr. Festo still has the same habit today,”

“But to make my work faster, I have to make my gift for him here because making the cigars I want takes a few days,”

“You could say that I'm still gambling with the situation, sir. Because if he no longer has the habit of smoking, then my gift to him will be in vain,”

“For that reason I am also thinking of the losses you might incur later, sir. Please, do me a favor without harming your side as well. I can make sure that my plan is on target once I confirm that, and I hope that you will also think of a good reason to make a meeting with someone as important as Mr. Festo!”

That was the beginning of Ivo's plan. He started by asking for Mr. Jack's approval first, and after getting the green light from the leader of the Black Dragon Mafia group, Ivo began to make a medicinal concoction that would be packaged in cigars to gift to Mr. Festo.

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