A Brave Woman Who Teaches Kindness

The tense atmosphere was evident to a young woman in the tree. Unbeknownst to anyone, the girl had been paying attention to the situation below her for a long time.

Of course, Jack's situation was not possible. He was severely wounded, with one leg limping from being shot, and the other leg was pierced by a poisonous snake.

‘Apparently a power struggle. Okay, I won't interfere then. After all, one mafia killed is a benefit for this country too. I'm sick of the mafia being glorified here!' the young Jasmine told herself. She watched a brother war drama from the top of a tree, quite tall for a girl her age.

Jasmine was not one to go to such extremes. Even her father could not resist her strong will when Jasmine wanted to join the military training in America. Because of her stubbornness, this was where Jasmine was in the A****n Forest.

Currently, Jasmine is assigned to watch the forest from the top of a tree. This is part of her punishment for breaking the disciplinary rules.

Jasmine was punished for marching late because that morning, her stomach hurt so much that she had to go back and forth to the toilet. Jasmine admitted her mistake and accepted the punishment gracefully.

After all, climbing a tree like that was not difficult for her even though she was a woman, and thanks to her punishment, Jasmine could watch the feud between the mafia right in front of her.

Compassion welled up in Jasmine's heart at the sight of Jack being beaten to a pulp when he could not fight back and was without any weapons.

“Come on, Jack! Why don't you fight me? Aren't you so great that Dad made you the leader of Black Dragon?!” said Jack's brother, who was angry but still showered Jack's body with merciless punches and kicks.

“If you can be a fair leader and not arbitrary, I will give this position to you gladly. But, I can't let you destabilize the American mainland by leaving the leadership of the Black Dragon in your hands. You cruel human!”

Jack received another blow until he lost consciousness and lay unconscious.

'Oh, so it's like that? A brother war over power. But, from what I saw, the poor guy was really saying good things even though he was in such a terrible state. Hmm, yes. I already know what I'm going to do!' Jasmine muttered to herself.

Jasmine reached into her gun pouch and started counting her bullets.

'Two, three, five. Hmm, enough to paralyze all of them. But, what if they are only paralyzed and turn around to shoot at me, and my only weapon is this? What do I do?' she muttered in confusion.

'Alright, I'll take a look at it in a bit. If the situation gets worse, what can I do? Daddy, forgive your daughter. Didn't you tell me to act wisely and defend the side? I think that is right. Then bless my decision, Dad!” she said firmly.

“I don't think I'll let you live long enough to lecture me any longer!”

“Goodbye, Jack. Give my regards to our late father!”


Shots rang out, breaking the silence of the wilderness, and to everyone's surprise. The head of the man who was about to point the tip of his firearm at the helplessly drooping Jack shattered to expel the contents of his head in front of Jack and his four men.

Still on the verge of confusion, further shots rang out until, one by one, the other strapping men fell and died instantly, some even hitting Jack's body hard.


“A Black Jack's life was saved through the hands of a young female soldier who smiled from the top of a tree. She was a brave woman who taught me the virtues of life,”

“From her, I understood kindness. I understood the meaning of a real family which is far from the family I had,”

“Before I met my wife, I considered every knowledge of doing evil from my foster father as a form of his love, so I managed to get him entrusted with the highest position of the mafia group that was once not this big and made him proud,”

“But after I met my wife, I understood true affection. I'm not ashamed to say that I began to understand that I love women and value them highly, because before, women in my eyes were just tools of lust,”

“What moved me the most was that my wife chose to leave her rank as a high-ranking officer in her country and leave her father who was then a General in that country. She made the big decision to stay with me and help me change the notion that mobsters are people too,”

“We got married and built this base together. But my wife doesn't like it when this big building is called a headquarters. To her, it's a home. Her dream home where we gather people like you who were hurt by life, change for the better and don't lose hope,”

“Even if it is revenge, we allow and help revenge in moderation, not excessive because prolonged revenge will damage the person's heart,”

“All the goodness in Black Dragon, which has been feared in this country since the beginning, has also spread into positive things. Black Dragon is still respected with the ruthlessness stored to protect the area around us, and until now we have continued to expand our power in our own way,”

“Just like in the country you live in. The power of the mafia takes an important role in the security of that area, it's the same here. Black Dragon also has a hand in the security of this country but Black Dragon is more inclined to minimize the thuggery that has the mafia behind it. It can be said that we help the work of the country's security forces in our own way,”

“The many people you see in this mansion are all mafia. But they walk casually and do the work of ordinary people, right? It's all because of the changes made by my wife,”

“The mafia aren't the scum of the earth here anymore. Everyone has a job even if it's not a high-paying one, but it's better for them than having to hurt others, like they used to,”

“Kindness exists even if we are mafia, and for those of you who do have kindness, please don't lose that kindness because of a grudge. Settle the grudge and do good again like before,”

Ivo was stunned by the story Mr. Jack told him. He didn't think there was such a thing, even though it was impossible to believe.

An evil human is not born wicked. He is evil because of the process of his life that makes that negative trait exist. But, there will still be goodness in man when goodness returns to him.

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