The Lifesaver

'Ivo, don't give them what they want, son. Just ignore us and go again!'

'Ivo, I'm scared, son,'

'Ivo, help me...'


'Bang Bang! Bang!'

“No, don't hurt them...” Ivo muttered.

The sounds of screams, cries of pain, and gunshots kept alternating in the dream with the horrific scenes Ivo had just experienced.

The eyeballs moving wildly inside the closed eyelids made it clear to the man next to where Ivo was lying that the doctor was having a nightmare.

“Wake up if your dreams are too cruel for you to see, young man,” the words clearly heard in Ivo's ears calmed the wild eyeball movements.

“Wake up if you don't want those events to keep coming even in your dreams.”

The appeal of the same male voice was heard again.

'Whose voice is that? Why does he know what I saw?' Ivo muttered to himself after realizing that he had just been dreaming, even though those eyes did not want to open yet due to the pain from the cruel man's blow earlier.

However, Ivo's questioning voice couldn't be heard anymore, so he opened his eyes slowly.

There was a white ceiling as far as his eyes could see, and when he moved his eyes to the side, three men were sitting quietly and looking at him simultaneously.

'Who are they?' Ivo asked himself, noticing that the three people near him had unusual appearances. ' But I think I've seen one of those men's faces before. But where?' he continued to wonder.

'Then, where am I too? The last time I was still in the car… that villain!' instantly, his veins tightened remembering the criminal who had so cruelly killed his loved ones, 'I have to find him!' he continued. Ivo began to want to get up and try to sit up.

“Just lie down, or your recovery will take longer than it should!” Sky said in a flat tone. But Ivo looked indifferent and still tried to sit up. " Like Lily said, he's stubborn,” he muttered, but he immediately walked towards the bed where Ivo was lying.

Sky helped Ivo, who wanted to sit up, by positioning the headboard so it rose and Ivo could sit comfortably.

“I don't know what my dad wants from you!” Sky muttered again.

“I understand English, sir, so you don't have to grumble in another language in front of me,” Ivo responded, and Sky smiled wryly.

“Brave, arrogant man,” Sky taunted him. Then, he returned to sit with the two men who seemed older than him.

“How are you, Doctor?” the man next to Sky asked as he smiled at Ivo.

“How did you know that I'm a doctor?” Ivo asked. As the man took off half of his clothes and showed him the surgical stitches on his body, Ivo slightly remembered who the man was.

“You were once a patient of mine?” Ivo's question made the man nod briefly, "But when- ah! You were the guy who got shot who came with a lot of criminals armed with firearms back then, weren't you?" he continued asking, flabbergasted.

“Yes, I was your patient back then. Thankfully, I survived because of your help that night. Thank you for your help. But yesterday, my children didn't let me say that and took me away from there.”

The man walked over to Ivo and sat on the chair beside the bed.

“My name is Jack, and you are Doctor Ivo, right? Glad to see you're still alive today. So, I'm not too late to repay my debt of gratitude to you,” The middle-aged man named Jack began to introduce himself until Ivo realized that Jack was the one who saved him and brought him to this place.

“So you saved me, sir? But why? I even wanted to die,” Ivo replied sadly. His sadness and anger had left him broken and wanting to die.

“You're just like them, but why did you save me? Or... do you want what they want from me?” Ivo's suspicions were instantly aroused as he was sure that the people before him were not much different from Durante and the criminals who killed his loved ones back then.

“I can't say that what they want might be what we want. But the first reason I helped you was because you saved my life back then, and I felt indebted and had to save your life this time,”

“Isn't that even, Doctor?” with a smile, Mr. Jack said so casually to Ivo.

“Gosh, is there any reciprocity in this cruel world, especially in this country? Criminals in my own country have more power than the government. There is no justice for the victims of their crimes and it makes me sick.”

“Then, did you just say that you were returning the favor because I helped you? Isn't that a stale joke? There's no such thing here, especially with people like you!”

“Do criminals still have a heart? If there is, just kill me after seeing how cruelly people like you kill lives as easily as you swat a fly,” Ivo, with hateful eyes, looked at Mr Jack.

After all, he had been through, he was beginning to doubt that there was still any good in the city of his homeland.

“Watch your mouth, young man!” the man of Mr. Jack's age next to Sky commented in Italian, ”I was born and raised here and I'm older than you to see all the evil around me,”

“What can you do with complaining about what happened to you? Nothing. Evil has even existed as long as human civilization,”

“But I don't justify everything you say after getting to know a human like the man beside you. You're lucky, Doctor, haha!” the Italian-speaking man spoke to Ivo with a laugh, leaving Ivo even more confused.

"Hey, don't confuse him with your bullshit, Simon!" Mr. Jack grumbled at his friend, Mr. Simon.

Before Mr. Simon could respond to Mr. Jack's words, a noise was heard, and... Braak. The door to the room where Ivo was was forcefully opened and startled him.

A man with a terrible body condition fell in front of Edward and everyone.

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