Alex sat in the tub of warm herbal water and moaned in contentment. The aches in his body was slowly seeping out, alongside the weariness and sore feeling in his muscles and skin. The more he thought about the battle just now, the more he realized that he merely had a narrow escape.

The wounds on his body where she stabbed him were still open, but the malicious aura eating into him had long since seeped away.

He thoroughly washed his body and got out of the tub, moving to the dressing room to wrap up his wounds. Alex carefully sterilized the wounds and applied the required herbs on it, before wrapping them up with bandages. He brought out a new set of pajamas, and placed it on a table opposite his couch.

Alex felt dizzy and quickly sat down on the nearby couch, grunting in pain.

“Even the herbal treasures aren't doing much. Damn it!” He muttered, with an expression of pain on his face. He took slow deep breaths and relaxed on the couch, trying to force himself to sleep.

After a whil
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