Alex smiled as he watched the gilded invitation card in his hands.

"The Winthrops are holding a birthday party, eh?" He smirked, his eyes turning into two circles of ice.

Raz and Tajana, his closest confidants shivered on seeing his murderous expression.

It seems that Hilltop city will experience some massacre tonight.

This was the reason why he ignored the kids and rushed home.

Since he's back, of course he should give them a huge surprise.

"Find me a very cheap car. It should not be too worn out, but of the lowest grade," Alex said coldly, walking into his suite to prepare for tonight's operation.


Alex drove into Winthrop's classical style ancestral castle.

They were the most powerful family in the continent for a reason. They were aristocrats whose long years of history ran deep. They were famous and extremely wealthy trillionaires, the sole royalties of the western world. Alex had traveled down to Hilltop city just to see them and deliver his big gift.

Alex silently extended his invitation card to the guard through the window, making the guard frown.

Why would someone eligible to get an invitation to the matriarch's birthday party be driving such a cheap toyota?

"Are you sure you didn't steal or pick up this invitation from somewhere?" He asked, frowning deeply.

Alex chuckled coldly, wondering if his massacre will start from the gates instead of the ruthless family as he had planned.

"Stealing the invitation is not possible. No one will dare treat Winthrop's invitation lightly. Just scan the code to check if it's valid," the butler said grumpily, walking towards them immediately he noticed the commotion.

The machine beeped with a green light, making the guards wallow in confusion.

The butler curiously peered into the car, causing his heart to tighten in alarm.

"Third young master!" He stuttered in shock, making the guards immensely afraid.

Others may not recognize him after his transformation in the battlefield, but not butler James.

He had literally stayed with Alex since he was a baby.

He quickly bowed before him and personally lifted the bar, feeling heartbroken that the once prestigious and promising young master, filled with unending potential, has been reduced to driving a cheap toyota camry.

Alex carefully parked his car, the old model toyota camry looked out of place amidst the other expensive cars whose worths ran into millions of dollars.

His car only cost five thousand dollars while the cheapest car parked in the garage was priced at eight hundred thousand dollars.

He walked confidently into the ballroom where the Winthrops always hold their parties, sitting comfortably in a dark corner , intending to stuff his face with the varieties of expensive delicacies available.

The butler watched him worriedly.

His cousin and the rest of the family were in attendance, they won't spare Alex for coming back.

Besides, only he knew that Karen Winthrop had been sending assassins after Alex, but after the news came that he was in prison, Karen finally relaxed.

If he realizes that Alex has been freed, he will definitely intensify his efforts to eliminate him.

Soon time for offering gifts came and Alex saw Mathilda, Karen's mother, offer grandma Winthrop an antique vase.

"Mum, I put in a lot of effort to acquire this Ming vase for ten million dollars. I know you like eastern antiquities," she flattered with a fawning smile.

His bark of laughter made the flashlight focus on him.

He smiled heartily, chugging down the glass of wine in his hands.

"What are you doing here, you murderer?" Mathilda roared angrily, upset that Alex ruined her performance.

"If you want to impress her enough to have her vacate that position for you, and secure the chairman's position for your son, you should put in more effort. Why will you offer her a cheap, fake article when you're here to lobby for favors?" Alex said coldly, making Mathilda blush in shame and fury.

"A murderer and convicted criminal have no place in the respected Winthrop family. You killed grandpa, and even your own mother when she walked in on you, despite being just seventeen years old. You even killed a pregnant woman after taking hard drugs. How did a stray dog like you find your way in here?" Karen asked coldly, staring murderously at Alex.

"Someone who fucks his aunt is not qualified to advice me!" Alex retorted, slowly sipping his wine.

Karen was immediately shocked and frightened. But being the hardened monster he was, he quickly steeled his face and glowered furiously at Alex.

"You can eat carelessly, but don't you dare speak carelessly! How dare you slander me in a bid to cover up your crimes?" Karen roared furiously, his eyes spitting fire and hate.

But Alex just sat there impassively, ignoring the dog barking before him.

"Hey! Hey! You shouldn't exchange words with such a disgusting abomination. Let's continue the party. He must be really hungry if he had to come here just to eat. He's family after all, even if he's a murderer. Ignore him and allow him to eat, he's obviously starving." Alex's step sister said, gently patting Karen in a bid to calm him down.

Mathilda quickly nodded in agreement, same with the rest of the guests who came to boot-lick Karen, since he was obviously the heir apparent to the powerful behemoth called the Winthrops.

Alex, who was the only worthy opponent, proved to be a big disappointment, making everyone detest him.

Grandma Winthrop smiled calmly, she was the most dangerous of all. The sly witch wouldn't have survived so long if she didn't have so many tricks up her sleeves.

Grandpa Winthrop was upright, but he ended up getting tied to a witch, thanks to falling victim to an arranged marriage.

Mathilda quickly bowed before the old woman, telling her how much effort she had to make in her bid to acquire the vase,. once again.

Almost immediately, the television set in the ballroom came on, broadcasting an embarrassing clip.

"That old hag doesn't want to die and allow me to enjoy my moment of glory. She's just like a resilient cockroach, clutching onto life and power with annoying intensity. You said you picked the vase from a roadside stall? Well, someone as evil and useless as she is doesn't deserve anything good from me. Just have this two thousand dollars for your trouble. Wow! It looks like the real deal! These potters are getting better at this. Why buy an antique for millions when I can get a lookalike for free?" Matilda cackled, examining the vase in her hands.

Everyone was immediately confused, is the vase indeed fake?

However, the video seems to have more dirty packages, making everyone's eyes fixed to it.

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