Alex walked lazily around Starlight mall, the biggest shopping mall in Veneco, looking around to see if anything will interest him enough to buy it.

He had been detached from society for so long, spending years on the battlefield.

He was simply learning how to blend in once more, while attempting to look normal and hold back the murderous aura surrounding him.

But it seems his experiment had failed.

Despite converging his aura as much as possible, people can't bear to stand two meters close to him.

From afar, he looked like a handsome young master. But once people try to approach him, they will shiver in fear and run away.

Alex sighed in defeat and decided to divert to the eatery since his goal for today was not completely achieved.

Immediately he walked into the mall, a little girl ran to him and hugged him, making him shocked.

His instinct was to push her away, but when he looked down at the little angel smiling at him, a warm smile spread on his face.

He quickly bent down to ruffle the girl's long black hair.

She was so beautiful that it doesn't take a genius to know that she will grow up to be a real siren.

"Daddy, I'm hungry. I can't find mama," the cute girl said with a pout.

"Daddy?" Alex stammered, staring at her with nostalgia.

If Mia had indeed nurtured his seed, his child will be the same age as the cutie before him.

"Little one, I'm not your daddy," he whispered, caressing her face.

"You're my daddy. If I say you're my daddy, it means you are. Or are you denying me?" She asked, looking upset.

Alex laughed heartily and carried her up.

"Let's get some food to fill that belly of yours," he said with a smile, carrying the baby girl to the VIP section.

"Good afternoon sir, what can we offer you?" The pretty waitress asked, smiling.

Alex chuckled and pointed at the girl.

"She's the boss. Whatever she chooses is what we will eat," he answered, looking at the little girl with a doting smile.

The waitress shrugged and offered the menu to the girl, deciding they were from those rich families that spoil their children silly, letting them lead the adults by the nose.

The girl kept ordering various things that made even Alex frown a bit.

He suddenly smiled and shook his head, letting the girl do as she pleased.

Soon the orders arrived, setting a mountain of mouthwatering dishes before them.

"What's your name, little one?" Alex asked as the girl ate her barbecues.

"I'm Ariella" she answered happily, flashing her milk teeth at him.

Alex watched her eat, his heart getting alarmed by the minute.

The girl was like a bottomless pit, eating without break.

She had cleared the table and ordered more, she was eating the last side dish and it appears that she won't be done anytime soon.

Alex's frown deepened.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Is your stomach hurting?" He asked, carefully staring at her.

She quickly shook her head and ordered for more.

Alex forced a smile on his face as he watched her eat.

Only people who have internal energy eat that much and still digest it comfortably, but the girl is too young to possess internal energy or strength.

Is it that she's not human?

Or are her parents powerful people?

"My twin brother is waiting at the playground, can I pack some for him?" She asked with puppy eyes immediately she cleaned her lips with the napkin before her.

Alex quickly nodded, letting the kid request for take-out.

"Thank you daddy. What's your name? I want to see you again, even though mummy says we can't see daddy," the girl said with an eager look on her face.

"My name is Alexander Winthrop. If fate allows it, I will see you again" he answered with a smile, pinching her chubby cheeks gently.

The girl nodded and dragged the heavy bag as best as she could, going to find her brother.

Alex motioned to the waitress for the bill.

"It's nine hundred thousand dollars. The special dishes and tuna fish are extremely expensive. Also the caviars and oyster…" the waitress began to explain, expecting a protest.

Alex motioned her to stop and reached for his card.

His eyes widened and he quickly began to search his pockets.

He had forgotten his cards!

"Ha! Don't tell me you forgot your cards! You can't go around scamming people. You even ordered the most expensive dishes on the menu despite knowing you don't have the money. Please pay up, else I will alert the security," the waitress threatened angrily.

She hated poor people pretending to be wealthy just to make some stupid, vain impression on others.

Alex's brows furrowed.

He had forgotten the last time anyone shouted at him or talked down at him, making him furious.

He was at fault for coming without his card, but she didn't wait to see if he had any other solutions before vomiting whatever shit she had in mind.

His cold aura spread unintentionally, making the waitress stagger.

Alex's eyes widened and he quickly tried to converge his aura, narrowing his eyes in contemplation.

His cold aura had disappeared completely when he was with the little girl, but he didn't even notice.


"Boss! Here's the card!" Tajana said, walking into the room.

Alex nodded and stood up, waiting for Tajana to pay.

"Daddy! Daddy, wait!" The little girl cried, rushing towards Alex immediately they entered the parking lot.

Alex frowned and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" He asked as patiently as he could.

"Daddy, when we were eating in the playground, I went out to dispose some of the used wraps in the trash can, and saw my brother being kidnapped on my way back. Daddy please save him," the girl cried, tears and snot running down her face.

"Raz, please send the message across," Alex whispered urgently.

"I have called the police dear, they will be here soon. They won't take a lot of time, it's the SWAT team, okay? I'm in a hurry right now dear. Excuse me," he said calmly and entered the car.

"No, the police will take a lot of time. They are still close by. Daddy!" She yelled in tears, but Alex clenched his fists, forcing himself to harden his heart as they drove off.

He didn't want to meddle in such matters to avoid alerting certain people that he's back. Besides, he called the special team, they will certainly save the child.

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