"It's a fingerprint sensor. I'm trying to see if the Colonel is eligible, but their firewalls are no joke!" Raz said, typing away on the keyboard before him in his bid to hack into their system.

"Just forget it!" Alex whispered impatiently, staring at the soldiers walking towards him.

He rubbed a greasy ointment on his palm, keeping a straight face as he walked to the gate.

"Colonel, Major Miyamoto said that others are not allowed in tonight, except his direct subordinates. Can you please come back tomorrow?" A lieutenant asked with a smile.

"Nope!" Alex replied and continued on his way.

"Then you leave us no option sir!" The lieutenant said coldly and blocked his way, along with his four colleagues.

"Impudence! How dare you block the way of your superior?" Alex growled coldly, making them shiver.

"We're only acting on the Major's orders," the lieutenant said stubbornly.

"Oh? I must see what Miyamoto is up to tonight!" Alex whispered with an evil grin, releasing his killing intent and nether energy, making them freeze.

He immediately delivered vicious punches to their necks before they could pull out their guns from the holster, all in a second.

He quickly kicked them to a dark corner and continued on his way.

He silently placed his palm on the sensor and the gates opened on their own.

Soldiers immediately rushed to stop him, making him chuckle.

He ran past them using his famous wind step technique.

The soldiers fell lifelessly to the floor because his ring simultaneously stabbed their necks as he ran past them.

Alex knew that soon the fortress would be alerted of his presence, so he needed to be very fast.

He ran to the basement where Miyamoto and his men were carrying out their dubious missions, keeping his ears open for possible threats.

"What do you mean by that? What issue can our server possibly have that will make the spy cameras stop delivering feeds to the control tower?" Miyamoto yelled, immediately his subordinates told him they lost connection to their CCTV cameras.

Alex smirked cruelly and walked into the basement lab.

Miyamoto immediately turned in alarm when he felt the familiar killing intent.

"Hello, old friend," Alex greeted with a military salute.

Miyamoto frowned as he stared at Alex, the energy was fearfully familiar, while the face before him was that of his colleague.

His men immediately surrounded Alex, making him chuckle.

"When you made this basement soundproof to protect your dubious interest, did you imagine that one day, someone will use it against you? Because of your sly acts, the other divisions won't run to your aid when the shots go off," Alex completed before pulling off his mask.

Miyamoto's heart immediately skipped a beat and he quickly circulated his internal energy while reaching for his weapons.

Shots rang out in the room as every soldier present fired their guns at Alex.

But he had long shifted away from his initial position using his wind step technique.

Miyamoto felt a pin penetrate the artery on his neck, making his eyes widen.

"I told you not to piss me off," Alex whispered coldly into his ear, as he slashed his ring on Miyamoto's neck.

The soldiers were immediately dumbfounded.

How did Alex suddenly run that far in just a second?

The nether energy also made them more sluggish, filling them with fear as they stared at their boss who was clutching his neck tightly, in a futile attempt to stop the blood gushing out of his neck.

"Kill him!" Miyamoto's assistant quickly shouted in panic.

"How can that be possible?" Alex asked, smirking as he shot the assistant, bending over in an awkward posture that made his back nearly level with the floor in his bid to avoid the rain of bullets flying towards him.

He kicked a soldier close to him, using that split second to jump on a chair, moving the chair with terrifying speed while using confusing trajectories to dodge the bullets, as he simultaneously shot them down.

All that the soldiers saw was Alex sitting comfortably on the chair while shooting them.

The chair seems to move on its own, at a terrifying speed.

Till the moment the last one of them dropped dead, he didn't know why Alex never missed his aim despite moving the whole time.

Alex smiled and stood up, looking at the mass of dead bodies before him.

He checked Miyamoto's pulse, satisfied that he was totally dead before pouring out a liquid to rapidly decompose his body.

As he turned to leave, his eyes caught sight of a side lab.

He couldn't hold back his curiosity, despite knowing that the base will soon realize that an intruder breached their fortress.

He walked in and began to go through the lab as fast as he could.

Alex's heart sank by the second as he realized what terrifying research Miyamoto was carrying out in this hellish hole.

He stared at the body of the pregnant corpse on a dissecting table with disgust, wondering why they had to kill even pregnant women for their selfish reasons.

Exclusive power corrupts exclusively; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

This saying was definitely true.

People won't hesitate to dabble in abominable acts just to acquire power.

He took some strange weapons and research manuals, before running out of the plaza.

Almost immediately, a terrifying alarm blared out.

"Color red! A powerful intruder just breached the fortress!" The AI voice screamed out.

The sounds of helicopters taking off and military jeeps and armored tanks getting ready to fight the intruder made Alex chuckle.

"You want to stop me? What a joke!" He growled and rushed towards the gate with intense speed.

Others only saw a gust of wind flying past them; he was that fast.

He slashed the necks of the soldiers guarding the gate and quickly made his escape, with the helicopters and military trucks hot on his heels.

However, being able to find him was simply a pipedream since he had left the walls of the fortress.

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