Alex chuckled coldly as he watched the millions of tiny monitors in his control room, from where he keeps tabs on various strategic places in the world.

The reason why spying on people was very easy for Alex was because he had access to almost all major CCTV cameras in the world. They hack into other people's servers and connect it to theirs, sharing information with the host.

"Miyamoto, I told you this before, didn't I? You can run but not hide!" He growled coldly.

Three months ago, after the destruction of a dreaded terrorist group being sponsored by a certain Arabian royal family, their Japanese counterparts, in collaboration with some of his own subordinates tried to kill him at the war front, banking on the fact that he will definitely be exhausted after almost destroying the dreaded muslim activist group singlehandedly.

However, they didn't expect that the beastly Lord Dracula was more unfathomable than they imagined.

He had single handedly destroyed them, despite being attacked by missiles, gunfire and biological weapons.

He had been confused at first on why his teammates fighting for world peace with him would try to kill him, mere minutes after they destroyed the terrorists' stronghold.

It's no wonder why none of them were proactive during the mission, they were saving their energy to kill him.

His immense powers and meteoric rise had threatened them a lot, making them want to eliminate their boss.

However, one of the ring-leaders escaped, he was a powerful samurai, so escaping with two of his subordinates was not impossible for him.

"Prepare the black H-29 model of the modified helicopters. I'm going somewhere important tonight," Alex said coldly, sending a message to Raz and Tajana through the chip embedded under his lips.

He hated betrayals.

He might forgive a thief but a traitor must die, and they must die viciously too.


Alex stared at the fortress and towers before him.

It was one of the strongest military bases in the world but he was determined to crawl in there and find the treacherous Miyamoto.

He adjusted the backpack on his back and began to walk towards the fortress.

A vibration on his wrist immediately made him stop.

"Boss, wait! I just realized that the walls have sensors embedded in them, an alarm will go off once someone touches the walls or tries to scale them. Worse, it also has traps in place to prevent powerful masters from getting in. The air space also has protective formations in place, you can't fly over either!" Raz whispered in panic, staring wide eyed at the data before him.

"Okay," Alex said nonchalantly and continued on his way.

"Yeyeye! Boss, wait!" Raz screamed again, making Alex's eardrums vibrate uncomfortably.

"The fortress was built around a mine. So if you try to breach it from below the ground, either you get trapped or buildings will collapse on you. And I'm seeing something like a formation in their secret basement. You can't dig a tunnel either! Maybe you should wait for him to come out of the fortress." Raz added, panting.

Alex's eyes narrowed.

He did not expect that Miyamoto would choose such a base as his burrow after offending him.

However, there's no hiding place for him.

"I don't care. I must kill him today. If God blocks me, I will kill God. If Buddha blocks me, I will kill Buddha, Miyamoto must be a corpse by sunrise!" Alex whispered authoritatively, eyes blazing with a cold flame.

Nether energy and killing intent spread for meters around him, making some of the grass beside him wilt.

Even some of the patrolling soldiers felt the strange chill, and Raz definitely felt it just from hearing his voice, despite being miles away from the fortress.

"Check the terrain and underground system for me. Is there a water body nearby?" Alex asked calmly.

"No, only sewers. Except if you want to swim in shit just to kill Miyamoto!" Raz said seriously, as if Alex will agree to swimming in septic tanks or sewage disposal systems just to kill an annoying bastard.

Alex chuckled.

"Forget it, a solution just appeared before me" Alex whispered with a cold smirk dancing on his face.

The enemy just delivered the fortress to him on a platter!


Alex drove into the fortress in a military jeep he stole from the unlucky driver.

He had seen the soldier drive out and followed him.

In just an hour, he formulated the man's face and fingerprints, using his synthetic human skin technology.

The rest will see their colleague when they look at Alex, not knowing that their colleague had already turned to bird feed.

The security guard peered into the car and saluted Alex, thinking it was their Colonel.

He carefully parked the car in the unlucky man's apartment complex and carried up his backpack with a demonic grin dancing on his face.

The only time Alex grins is when he's about to visit 'special friends', to see them off to Hades' kingdom.

He walked out of the complex and began to follow the red dot on his lens.

He was wearing a contact lens which acted as a computer monitor, allowing him to see Miyamoto's trajectory clearly.

Alex stopped before the lab where Miyamoto and his subordinates were hiding, furrowing his brows.

This seems to be more troublesome than expected. It was fully guarded.

And to cross the gate, you need to input a kind of code for the gates to automatically open.

"Well, if it was so easy it wouldn't be interesting, would it?" Alex chuckled, staring at the red dot who he already considers a dead man.

They also seem to be doing something confidential in there, making it more protected than usual.

"Raz, check the pattern of activating the security codes. Also check if the Colonel I borrowed his identity is eligible to enter the plaza. He must die tonight!" Alex said firmly, looking steadily at the target from his vantage point.

He's Lord Dracula, this gate must be breached!

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