"Boss, the men we sent to Cheong-do all died except the two in the inner circle who managed to escape with grievous injuries! They're currently in our medical center receiving treatment." Tajana shouted wide eyed, making Alex's heart jump in alarm.

"How did the situation degrade to this extent?" Alex asked, quickly turning around to go back to the house.

"They said the two monsters were vicious. Worse, there were terrible formations all around the inner part of the cave where they entered to hunt the monsters. According to them, the maze formations in the cave trapped those with weaker cultivations in a delirious nightmare while driving some crazy. Even the two that made it back are very hurt and mentally destabilized," Tajana whispered, running after Alex who was nearly flying in his haste to get to the medical center.

The sounds of two men screaming immediately welcomed them to the medical center, making Alex deeply worried.

"Donovan, Arthur, what happened?" He asked, walking toward
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