The police walked up to the couple standing like deers caught in a headlight. The female police officer in the lead was obviously infuriated.

"Will you identify yourself or should we do it for you? Which one of you drove the red Porsche tonight?" She growled angrily.

They had rushed the woman to the hospital, but she was declared dead on arrival.

The car drove out of Luz bar known for its debauchery, making them certain that the driver was under the influence of alcohol or other substances.

Mia quickly pointed at Alex, while Alex simultaneously sighed and extended his hands to be cuffed.

The female police officer slapped him angrily.

"Why must you kill a pregnant woman? That woman had been childless for years, now that she finally got pregnant, you cut short her husband's joy, you animal!" She roared furiously, letting her emotions get the best of her.

Alex shut his eyes and sighed, silently enduring their humiliation as they dragged him into the car.

The neighbors had come out from their various houses, craning their necks from their balconies while trying to capture everything that was going on.

Mia wiped her face and followed them to the station.

"A beautiful woman like you should not be with a murderer," a police officer told her as she brought the documents required for Alex to sign over his assets to her, while awaiting his arraignment before the court.

He silently passed her the papers for her to write her statements before she could see Alex.

Mia smiled sadly and sniffed as she wrote the statements.

"I have warned him numerous times to stop taking hard drugs and driving while he's drunk, but he never listens to me. He has a bright future, I even invested all my savings into his new company and this happened. How will I manage the company on my own, especially in my current condition? I should have listened to my parents and left him back then!" Mia wailed, touching her belly while writing the statements with tears dripping down her face.

The police officers in the office shook their heads.

"I guess love does that. Besides, he's handsome. I don't blame you for falling for him. It's not too late to correct your mistakes now. Being with a drug addict is dangerous. He might kill you under the influence of drugs, even if he loves you," an elderly police officer advised, taking the paper from her to file her statements.

The female police officer that arrested Alex frowned when she saw the secret smile that spread on Mia's face when she stared at the documents in her hands.

She immediately got suspicious, drugs were not found in Alex's body system, but there were drugs bearing his finger prints in the pigeonhole.

Mia was not acting like someone whose lover was taken in for questioning.

Every other person in her situation will try to portray their lovers as gentle saints, insisting it was a mistake, in a bid to reduce their sentence.

But Mia kept providing evidence that was detrimental to Alex's case, always reminding the people around that he was a drug addict.

She could have taken advantage of the fact that no drugs were found in his system to vouch for him, but no, she kept telling them how much of a monster he was.

The love and adoration in Alex's eyes whenever they were together was obvious, making her wonder if he really beats Mia whenever he's angry.

There was no visible scar on Mia's body, yet she claims he beats her frequently.

"Please take me to him. I need to take over his assets and manage them properly," Mia whispered to the female police officer, feigning tiredness and sorrow.

The officer's frown deepened.

Within the three hours that Alex had been kept in custody, rather than find a good criminal defense lawyer, all that Mia was interested in was preparing documents for stocks and property transfer, while urging Alex's lawyer to carefully list out all his assets in the documents. She even asked Alex about his bank cards and documents related to his car and little townhouse, and he had told her everything without hesitation.

She pasted a smile on her face and led Mia to Alex, deciding it was none of her business.

Alex silently signed the documents and handed them over to Mia.

He frowned on seeing the smile on Mia's face.

"Are you that happy that I signed the rights of the products and all my assets to you? They have always been yours, you know. I have never kept anything from you. I always give in to your demands, even if it means going the extra mile for it," he said quietly.

Mia quickly hid her smile and pasted her fake sorrows on her face.

"That was not the reason I was smiling. I just talked to a defense lawyer and he said we can get you out since there were no drugs in your system. We can be together soon, and take care of our baby, together. That's why I'm relieved," Mia quickly lied, caressing Alex's face.

The doubts in Alex's mind immediately vanished on hearing her wish to raise a family with him.

Alex was someone with a high intelligence quotient, he had found Mia's actions suspicious, ever since he was taken into custody. But the smart actress had successfully pulled the wool over his eyes once again.

"Come here," Alex whispered, extending an arm to Mia.

Mia smiled and walked to him, sitting on his lap.

"You know I love you, right? There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You're my only family, the only person I care about is you; and our baby. Make sure you take care of yourself and ensure that our baby is healthy. Even if I'm not around, okay?" He whispered, rubbing her belly.

Mia nodded like a good girl, rubbing his hair as he hugged her.

'He's such an idiot. This went more smoothly than I expected. Who could have thought that origin pills raked in fifty million dollars in just a month? I'm so rich. Hahaha. I'm glad I found out about his identity, I would have lost all the money if I had rejected him like I wanted to. Who would have thought that the poor bumpkin working multiple shifts in school, will actually manufacture a wonderful drug just a year after his graduation? Damn! I'm so lucky. Once I kill him in prison, I can relax without worries', Mia thought, smiling as Alex rubbed her belly.

The female police officer frowned at the scene before her.

Alex can't see Mia's facial expression, but she could.

Mia didn't find any defense attorney for him, rather she made detrimental statements.

What's really going on here?

"Your time is up," the officer announced, walking towards them.

Mia quickly jumped up, relieved that she could finally drop the act.

"Thank you for letting me spend time with her, officer Ann," Alex said, looking at the female officer who simply nodded as she watched Mia waltz out of the room.


As Alex listened to the judge pronounce judgment on him, his heart sank in dismay while he stared at Mia in shock, refusing to believe his ears.

What the fuck is happening?

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