the test


After the whole incident, Barracuda was sent to kill Antonio. He knew it could be out there, because Antonio is almost the same with Jack Gunther, they both shared the same threat, they both fought alike and did things alike, if Jack could distract Barracuda in such measure, Antonio could do double because he was the on who trained Jack into what he is today.

“Antonio, I bring you good tidings, Jack Gunther is dead,” Barracuda yelled, and almost immediately, Antonio walked out of the place.

“Proves?” Antonio asked.

“Well for me to walk into Jack’s territory and come back here alive, it should be more than enough prove that he is dead,” Barracuda replied.

“Well then,” Antonio threw a bag to the ground.

Barra then walked towards it and picked it up.

“Antonio, is that really you?” Barra asked.

“Sure, why?” Antonio replied.

“Oh, you just smell different,” BOAW, Barracuda immediately shot.

And that was the end of Antonio Black.


Lightening already had himself ready to fa
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