Chapter 10

I snapped conscious and overreacted, my eyes looked for him in every one of the edges of my room.I didn't need a mirror to see how I looked because my nightgown was wet from sweat.I heard a low, still breeze right outside my window and felt my heart beating quickly, my wild red hair likely shooting in all directions, and my eyes were glassy with fear.My window is open.I lowered my head slightly to the right and narrowed my eyes.Had he been in there, listening from the shadows while I slept, or had I gone to sleep with that window open?I considered reaching for the light switch, but I decided it would probably be best to catch him off guard if he was still gazing at me with that amused twinkle in his green eyes.Allow him to sample his own medicine.After making my decision, I tried to remain calm as I slowly slipped my right hand under the covers and reached for my phone under the pillow.After wrapping my fingers around it, I turned on the torch light and pointed it at the wall opposite my bed, wielding my phone like a weapon.After that, I lowered my phone and let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

Just as I had left them, my school books were lined up in the left corner, right up against the wall.The pair of jeans I had hung on it, rather than inside, was probably the reason that my wardrobe was slightly open.Despite the fact that my battered sneakers and school bag were directly above them on a wall nail, neither a human nor a vampire was watching me from there.I was terrified and out of breath at the same time because there was no Valerian waiting to enter my line of sight with that low chuckle.Since no one had entered my room, I probably left that window open before going to bed.As I pushed my hair out of my face, I let out a sigh of relief.With my room still dark, I swung my legs off the bed and walked to my open window.

I whispered to myself, "It was only a dream."merely a dream.But how come it seemed so real?Why had I felt him so strongly, all of him?When it was obvious that he was not in my room, why did I still feel him then?I had never forgotten the first time I saw his real face, and I knew why he scared me. But how was it that his presence had also begun to comfort me?What did it all mean?The night was completely still below my window, and in the distance, the sky appeared to be dotted with a billion stars.Was I going insane?These things made me think.How could I be sure if I was?I found myself cradling my wrist and gently rubbing my birthmark as I was thinking.In my dream, Valerian had done the same thing, rubbing my wrist slowly and circularly while looking directly into my eyes.His shockingly green eyes were truly extraordinary.Even now, I can clearly see them.observing me.revealing nothing and omitting nothing.I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and the memories came flooding back.

Like I can recall all of the others, I remember that night.The majority of people, for some reason, seem to remember things imperfectly.Unlike what I do.My memories are not sporadic.I have no trouble understanding what was said, how it made me feel, or the facial expressions that went along with it.All I need to do to remember what I need is to let my mind wander and take charge.I am content to wait as I become an observer in the drama that has been my life.I closed my eyes, took a long, slow breath, and exhaled.


Perhaps because school had been rough on me, that night had been unusually cold.In the girls' bathroom, Selina had snuck up on me and pushed my head into a sink full of water.Balrus had been so worried about me that I was still soaking wet when I returned home.Balrus, always so kind, sweet, and gentle.My infant brother, whom I adored to the hilt.I was settling down at my desk to tackle my homework when I heard that whooshing sound that only Valerian could make. I had managed to stay out of our father's way all evening, which is rare in and of itself.From my window, it came.My window is open.Did he open it himself or had I left it open?It didn't matter because I hadn't needed to look to see if it was him, but I did.

He then stood there.In yet another expensive suit, you look straight and regal.How many suits did he own, given that I had never seen him wear the same suit twice?He repeatedly tugged at his cufflinks.And then made a big show of looking around my room, sure that I'd look at his face to see what he thought.With a hint of a smile tugging at his lips, he said, "Tidy."Tidiness is good.

Relieved that he had approved of my room but determined not to show it, I had huffed and turned away from him to face my books.

He said, "Good evening, Catelyn," and I could hear a hint of amusement in his tone.

He laughed out loud when I replied with the coldest "Good evening Mr. Zakharov" I could muster.I couldn't help but sharply turn to see because that was the first time I had heard him laugh.His first laugh was a deep, chest-clearing chuckle.His eyes then became slightly teary and a lighter shade of green as his mischievous smile got wider.But he couldn't keep it in for long, so he laughed, held his belly, and threw his head back.It spread easily.That sound would never leave me, I knew then.

When he eventually found his composure, he had said, "I see you had a long day."With my back to him and a shrug, I turned back to my desk.When he stood still right behind me, I felt his breath on my neck and heard him cross the distance between us.He said, "Tell me."He had asked somewhat kindly but with fierce authority, and the laughter was gone from his voice.We both briefly stopped talking.I was glad that someone cared enough to ask about my day and felt a calm stillness wash over me.even if Valerian was the one.Possibly especially so given that it was him.Even though my day was difficult, it suddenly didn't seem so bad.

I made the decision to take advantage of the situation and asked, "Tell me why you want me."

"Didn't we talk about this first night we met?"He responded, standing still over me.I agreed to a deal with your parents:You are the price of Balrus's current good health.

"I know everything, but why do I?"I persevered.I'm referring to your wealth, power, and strength.I turned to look at him.You are a vampire as well.After our first meeting, I had read everything I could about vampires, and I wanted him to know that I had done good research.This indicates that you can influence minds and obtain anything from anyone.Why then me?Why do you select me for payment?Because I’m only a young girl, I can't get you any money.

Valerian had unbuttoned his suit jacket and taken a deep breath.After that, he slowly lowered his slender frame toward my bed.After that, he asked, cocking his head slightly to the right, "What else did you learn about vampires?"Although it was not present in his voice at the time, I listened for that authoritative undertone.Pure and simple curiosity was all I could hear.It seemed like he wanted to talk to me.It seemed as though he wanted me to know that he could be a good friend of mine and that he would love to hear from me.

I had heard my parents discuss a news story earlier that week that they had both found very upsetting.Multiple people from our neighborhood had been reported missing on an increasing basis.Mr. Wilson, the manager of the hardware store at the Town's Square, had never returned from his store on Tuesday night, and some of the teenagers who had gone to the woods to drink and smoke were still missing.My mother had told me that the police had found a few unidentified bodies at strange locations, most of which were ripped apart and devoid of blood.She had stopped talking and my father's face had turned white as I peered through the keyhole.

Now that I was looking at Valerian, I started to wonder if it was all his fault.His face appeared normal, and his mouth didn't have any fangs sticking out.He didn't have bloodshot eyes, and his voice didn't sound like that low, dangerous growl at this point.I had still seen him.the real himAs a result, I was aware that he might be to blame for those murders and disappearances.The idea that he would rip a person apart, remove their blood, and then stop by for a conversation like this was deeply offensive to me.When I realized that I would soon be leaving with him, my anger grew even more, and I launched my verbal attack.

"It was you, isn't it?Why are there so many disappearances in the news?And the blood-drained and shredded bodies that have been discovered?The police are referring to it as an animal attack, but hasn't it been you, too?Because I was aware that he could hear it, I resented that my voice had become panicked.But I couldn't stop myself.Since my eavesdropping session, the news about the drained and ripped bodies had haunted me, and I had stayed up some nights wondering if that would be my fate.

So I continued.Is that why you agreed to take me in exchange for my brother's health?So that you might one day tear me apart?Even though I'm much younger than you are, you told me to call you Valerian.Do you think I'll be your dinner one day?”Although I was nearly out of breath, I was proud of my bravery in expressing my inform him that I was aware.Now, I watched and waited as he tried to deny my claims with lies.

As I hurled the more severe accusations at Valerian, he furrowed his eyebrows.But when I was done, he got up from my bed, buttoned his suit jacket, and said nothing.I tried my best to furrow my brows when it was my turn.He must have thought I was so small and funny!While my heart raced, Valerian walked to my window and stood there for a full minute staring into the night.Had I gone too far with things?Was he furious with me?Was he astonished by what I discovered?Did he already have a target in mind?Would he kill me right away?

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