A Secret Accident and A Secret Illness.

The two cars collided, but Derek had swerved sideways making theirs tumble and hitting the road upside down. The airbag was all over the place, many motorists quickly parked their vehicles and came out to help the victims.

Amelia had lost consciousness out of shock, but she wasn’t really injured, just some little bruises when she was dragged out of the upside down vehicle.

Derek was the one who took most of the hit, with blood streaming down his dark hair; still he wasn’t unconscious.

He was dragged out of the tumbled vehicle and he staggered straight to the owner of the other car, and gave him a super punch on the face.

“Fuck you, man, what the heck were you thinking?” Derek growled, panting heavily.

People immediately held him down and also went to nurse the punched man.

Derek struggled free when he saw Amelia lying unconsciously by the side of the road, as he walked towards her; he prayed that nothing would happen to his child.

The ambulance sirens blared loudly from a dista
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