The Unexpected

“Don’t do this, Ariana. We both know this is beyond my power, if there wasn’t a rule I wouldn’t hesitate to give your brother the company,” Ethan pleaded, also rising from the bed.

His heart ached, that would be the height of it, even though he didn’t have much time to live; he still wanted to see his children until the day of his death.

It would be really heartbreaking if he had to die alone.

What had Elena told Ariana that was making her think this way? Ethan thought.

“I’ve made up my mind dad; just as you’ve made up your mind not to take back the company from Sam, if you reconsider; I too will do the same,” Ariana blurted out, in front of her father and turned to leave.

But Ethan grabbed her by the arm.

“What has come over you, Ary. It’s me, your father!” Ethan called, pulling her close to himself.

Ariana struggled free.

“I should also be asking what happened to you dad, you know longer love me as much as you do, this new son of yours is now your priority. If you wish to k
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