Chapter 17

The next morning, Ryker was awoken from his sleep by the sound of Fiona yelling. She sounded more worried than angry even though her voice was raised.

Ryker made his way to the living room and he saw Fiona on the phone, while Chloe, Fiona’s assistant, sat with an elderly man with grey bits on his head and beard.

Immediately Chloe saw Ryker enter, she stood up and sneered at him.

“What are you doing here?”

Ryker ignored her, his eyes settling on Fiona who was pacing back and forth, running her hand through her hair with an extremely worried look on her face.

“Isn’t this the poor chap Fiona married?” The older man scoffed. “He’s certainly just after her money.”

“Of course,” Chloe replied. “The first sign of a gigolo is living in a woman’s house.”

“Quit that nonsense both of you,” Fiona frowned at them, dropping the call. “We have a dire situation at hand and the best you can do is judge my decisions?”

Both bowed their heads to her slightly but Chloe still rolled her eyes at Ryker.

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