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By: AUTHOR C Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 24 views: 1.2K

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“You are worthless Ryker, you don’t deserve a goddess like me.” Sara Ford didn’t hold back when she divorced Ryker. “Oh no! The richest man in the city is bowing to my scum ex husband?” “He’s also a mysterious golden healer?” “The President calls him Godfather? Did I make a mistake by divorcing him?” After Sara divorced Ryker and called him trash, Ryker recovered from his amnesia and then, nothing, could stop THE REIGN OF RYKER SAVAGE.

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24 chapters
Chapter 1
“Can you believe it? She was proposed to with a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar ring.”“Forget about the price, it is a limited edition green emerald diamond ring, there are only four in the world.”“She’s such a lucky woman, I envy her. Her fiance booked out the entire restaurant. That must have cost a fortune.”Ryker could hear the comments from the onlookers as he served them drinks.Today was his wedding anniversary and he was working as a waiter at the prestigious Hillbilly restaurant for the holiday to earn enough money to buy his wife a present.This was not his normal day job but he needed all the money he could get, so he wore the waiter hat effortlessly, serving important dignitaries with a big smile on his lips.As he worked, he thought about what he would get Sara, his wife. ‘If only I was as rich as the man who proposed to his lover, Sara is a beautiful angel that deserves all the finest things in the world,’ he mused, reminiscing the smile of his beautiful wife.“
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Chapter 2
“Fuck you,” Ryker replied coldly, clenching his fist and narrowing his eyes at Sebastian.“You asked for it,” Sebastian said, instantly grabbing another mug and throwing it at Ryker to distract him.Sebastain was a black belt jiu jitsu holder and a renowned fighter in all of Crimson.He hoped to catch Ryker off guard with a knockout strike but Ryker was quick to move out of the way, leaping into the air and countering with a kick that sent Sebastian flying metres away.Everyone’s mouth dropped in awe.Ryker’s move was so fast that if they blinked, they would have missed it.Ryker himself looked at his leg in shock of what he just did. Defending himself came as a muscle memory to him, like he just knew what to do.Sebastian felt ridiculed and humiliated.‘It has to be pure luck, there’s no way this scum can beat me,’ he mused, standing to his feet and grabbing a knife from one of the tables.“You imbecile, you only just got lucky to hit me. I am going to kill you today for touching me
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Chapter 3
Blood washed away from Sebastian’s face and Sara was completely dumbfounded, holding her cheek in pain.Did they just hear right?The CEO of the biggest technology company in Crimson wanted to marry a pauper like Ryker?Do wonders truly never cease?Fiona picked up the papers from the floor and shoved it in Ryker’s hand, handing him a pen from her purse.“Sign it,” She coldly requested.Ryker didn’t think even twice about signing the divorce agreement. As much as his heart ached from Sara’s betrayal, it was obvious she had made her choice.He quickly scribbled his signature on the papers and threw them at Sara.“Wise choice, now come with me,” Fiona said, locking fingers with Ryker and taking him out of the restaurant, much to everyone’s astonishment.“You can drop me anywhere here,” Ryker said to Fiona after her car drove a few metres away from the restaurant.He needed some time to process everything that had just happened to him.“I wasn’t joking about marrying you. We are going t
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Chapter 4
"Go to your engagement ceremony?"Ryker's eyes widened and he doubted if he had heard her right."Yes. You're scared?"Fiona asked, narrowed her eyes,staring at him."Scared? No,I'm just surprised. It's not that common for a woman to bring her husband to her engagement party with another man." Ryker replied. He wasn't lying.He was not scared. Now that he had promised to be her "contract husband",he needed to do fulfill his duty."Looks like I didn't choose the wrong man." Fiona crossed her arms,smiling with satisfaction.Ten minutes later,Ryker left Fiona’s office and made his way to the Ford manor afterwards to get his belongings.There was something important for him in that house. He had to take them back.Ryker stepped inside the mansion and immediately, Melanie Ford, Sara’s mother, stood up and attacked him.“How dare you show your face in this house? My daughter has decided to divorce you, you are no longer welcome in this house!” She said in a furious tone, yelling at the top
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Chapter 5
A couple of minutes after Ryker left, Sara stepped into their mansion gleefully to see her mother and her sister in a brooding state with a frown on their faces.“Why are you keeping long faces when we should be celebrating? That leech is finally out of our lives. He signed the divorce,” She said, happily waving the divorce document in the air before dropping it on the table.Melanie crossed her arms and her frown deepened. “Why should we celebrate, when he came here and almost beat us up?”Sara’s smile vanished. “He did what?!”“Yes sister, he even promised to deal with us. That scum, threatening to deal with us,” Audrey scoffed disdainfully.“That bastard!” Sara retorted in anger, scrunching her nose before she smiled again. “Don’t let him ruin your mood with mere words, he’s a weakling who can’t do anything.”She reached into her bag and pulled out an invitation card.“Tomorrow, Sebastian is taking me to the engagement ceremony of Nico Reyes, our family is about to prosper,” She s
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Chapter 6
Ryker was shocked at the name he was just addressed by and by the much older man bowing to him but his humble nature quickly kicked in. “You don’t need to pay respects to me sir,” Ryker quickly said, grabbing Kelvin’s hand and lifting his head up.Fiona was stunned and appalled at the same time. Never in her childhood or adult life had she seen her grandfather pay respects to any man. Even the leaders of the cities regularly came to him to pay obeisance and show their respects to garner his support.Her eyes almost fell out of their socket. ‘What is going on? Is Grandpa’s old age giving him dementia?’ She mused with a frown on her face.“Grandpa, why would you pay respects to such common folk? Have you suddenly forgotten who you are?” Samantha asked with a sneer on her face towards Ryker.“Watch your mouth young lady or you will get us all in trouble,” Kelvin scolded her in a sharp and curt tone, with great fear in his eyes.He bowed to Ryker yet again. “Please forgive my grandda
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Chapter 7
Ryker arrived at the address Fiona had given to him late at night. When he stepped into the house, Fiona had her legs stretched on the coffee table with her head thrown back on the living room couch. She wore a skimpy nightgown that barely covered her smooth and milky thighs.Her round and ample tits were pressed tightly against the tiny fabric of her nightgown and Ryker felt a sudden rush downwards when he saw her hardened nipples.“You did not have to wait for me,” Ryker said in a hoarse voice, looking away from her sexy figure.“I wasn’t waiting up for you,” Fiona said with a slur in her voice, holding a bottle of whiskey and as she stood up, she slipped, falling to the ground.Ryker swiftly lunged forward and caught her, breaking her fall but her weight tipped him and he fell on the couch with Fiona falling on top of him.Her boobs landed on his face and Ryker gulped at how soft they felt against him and he couldn’t help but stare at the soft and shiny melons.Fiona remained in t
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Chapter 8
“You must be the world’s biggest cuckold Ryker. First your wife chose me over you and then Fiona promised you marriage, only to dump you and marry someone better,” Sebastian chuckled sinisterly in Ryker’s face.“How could I or Miss Bassett ever choose him, when he’s nothing but a failure, a weakling and a disgrace to masculinity,” Sarah added in a scorn filled voice.Ryker scoffed and smirked coldly at them.“First of all Sara, you are delusional for comparing a whore like you to Fiona and secondly, she didn’t toy with me, she is my wife and this engagement ceremony will not hold.”“You trash! Who are you calling a whore?” Sarah raised her hand to slap Ryker but he caught it mid air.He squeezed her hand tight and leaned in to whisper to her. “What do you call a woman who spread her legs for another man when she had a husband? A freaking whore…..that is what you are.”He threw her hands back, making her yelp in shock. She never expected Ryker to be so blunt and harsh and he had neve
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Chapter 9
Nico frowned deeply from the stage. Sebastian’s yell had just cut off the host from starting the ceremony in earnest.“What is the meaning of this nonsense?!” He yelled in a harsh tone at Sebastian. “Are you so eager to die?”Sebastian scurried to the stage. He clasped his hands together and bowed to Nico. “My apologies for the disturbance Mister Reyes but I just found out this dimwit is trying to disrupt your engagement to Miss Bassett and I was proving my loyalty to you and your family by stopping him.”Nico scoffed nonchalantly in response, eyeing Ryker with a condescending gaze.“No man born of a woman can disrupt my engagement,” He said in a boastful tone.“He is right,” Ryker replied in a cold tone. “Fiona is my wife, so you cannot engage her.”The condescension on Nico’s face quickly turned into irritation and anger. “What did you say? Fiona is what?” He asked in an angered tone, stepping down from the stage.Compared to Ryker who was tall and lean, Nico was short and robust
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Chapter 10
“No!” Fiona screamed, rushing to block Ryker from the bloodthirsty men. It was common knowledge that the guards of the Reyes family were all ruthless murderers and assassins, some of the best fighters in the world and to qualify, they had to have killed at least a hundred men in pure physical combat.Even though she knew Ryker could fight, he was certainly no match for these ruthless figures.“It’s me you have a problem with Nico, leave him out of this!”“Fiona, are you mad? How can you be such a useless daughter?” Sophia yelled at Fiona.“It’s okay Fiona, this fatso and his men are no match for me,” Ryker said, looking straight at Nico defiantly as he felt the bloodlust that overtook him anytime he was about to fight fill his body.“Who are you calling a Fatso? Step out of the way Fiona!” Nico barked, clenching his fist.“Don’t be so arrogant Ryker, death is in your corridor and you are still so ignorant to see it. Lay flat on the floor and beg Mr. Reyes for your life or I will pers
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