Chapter 22

Ryker backed away from him.

“ I don't need an apprentice.” He replied in a curt tone.

Kyle raised his head up and looked at Ryker with his eyes full of desperation and eagerness.

“Master, I know my skills are nothing compared to yours but I am quite popular in the medical world and I have a lot of patients with rare cases who will pay a fortune for your services. Let me bring them to you and you can keep all the money, I just want to learn from you.”

Kyle’s tone brimmed with awe and respect. To him, gaining such knowledge was worth more than any amount of money.

Ryker frowned down at him.

“Please don't call me Master. And I don't need the fortune.” Ryker replied, turning away from him.

Kyle immediately got up on his knees and held Ryker back, bowing to him.

“Even if you won’t let me be your student or earn money from your incredible and rare skills, if you ever have to treat someone, can I at least be there to observe your methods? Please…”

"Alright." Ryker shrugged at him a
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