Chapter 19

Fiona’s car pulled up to the front of the company building and immediately she stepped out and the mob saw her, they rushed towards her but her security men were quick to shield her from any attacks.

“You are a huge disappointment Fiona Bassett, how could you do such an evil thing?”

“Using substandard and toxic ingredients just so you can make more profit. Just look at my face.”

“You will pay for this. You will not get away with this heinous act. Because of your product, my husband has divorced me, I am no longer attractive to him.”

The protesters hurled verbal abuse and accusations at Fiona but she did not let it deter her. She had her company to save and a reputation to uphold.

“Please, everyone, things are not as you think. If you will just calm down and give me-”

“Calm down?!” A middle aged woman yelled, standing right in front of Fiona.

“You demon, look at what you have done to my daughter and you dare ask me to calm down?”

She pointed at a lifeless body laying behind her and she
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