Chapter 16

Later that evening, when Fiona and Ryker returned back home, Ryker observed how she kept moving the arm Nico stabbed her on with uneasiness, even though it was just a small wound, he could see the pain discomforted her.

He went into his room and returned with a special balm.

“Let me massage the arm for you, this balm is very soothing, it’ll ease the pain,” he said, walking over to her side.

Fiona raised her head up to look at him, noticing for the first time how deep and soulful his eyes were.

“Thank you,” She replied with a small smile.

Ryker rubbed the balm on her hand and slowly massaged it, relieving her instantly. She was wearing a tank top that had very tiny shoulder straps and Ryker worked his way up to her neck and shoulder.

He admired her pale milky skin and how soft and smooth it felt as he gently massaged her.

Fiona felt her relief going on a euphoria, it was exactly what she needed. Ryker’s hands were soft and his touch, nimble.

Fiona was so lost in the sensation that goos
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