Chapter 21

“I can’t say, if I talk, I will be putting me and my family in danger, please….” The woman replied in a trembling voice.

Chloe grabbed her chin roughly. “You are already in danger, I’m sure some time in jail will make you realise that. Somebody call the cops!”

“No, let her go,” Ryker said, stepping forward and freeing the woman from Chloe’s grasp.

“Leave,” he said, gesturing to the woman who stood up and ran away before Ryker even finished speaking.

Chloe was about to retort when Ryker spoke.

“Have one of your men follow her, she will lead us to the real culprit. Not everything is achieved by force.”

“Mister, can you help me heal my face too?” The revived lady tugged on Ryker’s shirt.

“How insolent! You are lucky to be alive. That damaged face will be a reminder of your greed and stupidity,” Chloe fired at the lady. “Guards! Hand them over the cops, let this be a lesson to anyone who dares to mess with the Atlas group.”

“Please,” Another one of the affected women dropped on her knees
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