Chapter 23

Ryker frowned at the woman. It was Alicia, Sara’s best friend.

She had just walked into the lobby of Sky lounge to have lunch with Sara when she spotted Ryker standing there.

To her, a tramp like Ryker should not even be allowed near the building of a prestigious restaurant like the Sky Lounge talkless of standing in the lobby.

“It’s a restaurant, people come here to eat, don’t they?” Ryker replied, a deep frown still etched on his face.

Before Sara’s betrayal, Alicia was one of the most vocal people about how unfit he was to marry a woman like Sara.

Back then, she always found a way to put him in an awkward position that would lead to his humiliation. It was no surprise she spoke the way she did.

At that moment, Sara walked into the lobby, surprised to see Ryker in an edifice like the Sky lounge restaurant.

“What are you doing here?” She almost sneered at him.

“I was just asking the oaf the same thing,” Alicia scoffed disdainfully.

“For two beautiful women, you sure have no brains as
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