Chapter 0006

Ryker was shocked at the name he was just addressed by and by the much older man bowing to him but his humble nature quickly kicked in.

“You don’t need to pay respects to me sir,” Ryker quickly said, grabbing Kelvin’s hand and lifting his head up.

Fiona was stunned and appalled at the same time.

Never in her childhood or adult life had she seen her grandfather pay respects to any man.

Even the leaders of the cities and provinces regularly came to him to pay obeisance and show their respects to garner his support.

Her eyes almost fell out of their socket.

‘What is going on? Is Grandpa’s old age giving him dementia?’ She mused with a frown on her face.

“Grandpa, why would you pay respects to such common folk? Have you suddenly forgotten who you are?” Samantha asked with a sneer on her face towards Ryker.

“Watch your mouth young lady or you will get us all in trouble,” Kelvin scolded her in a sharp and curt tone, with great fear in his eyes.

He bowed to Ryker yet again.

“Please forgive my granddaughter Dominus, she is not usually like this.”

“Grandpa!” Samatha yelled, stomping her feet on the floor seeing her grandfather show respect to this mere pauper again.

“I don’t know who that is,” Ryker replied in a curt tone. “You are showing respect to the wrong person.”

He turned his attention to Samantha. “You should be more like your grandfather, even though he is old, he does not look down on others.”


Kelvin put his hand up to shut his granddaughter up.

Samantha groaned in frustration, stomping the ground again and clenching her fist, with her head turning red in fury but she did not dare utter another word.

Who was this common guy to get such regard from a powerful man like her grandfather?

“Drive carefully next time and don’t pick fights you can’t win,” Ryker said to her again, glancing at Cage who was still groaning on the floor, trying to no avail to stand on his feet.

‘Does he really not know who he is or is he just trying to conceal his identity?’ Kelvin Grey mused at Ryker’s reaction.

The man genuinely did not show any regard to the respects he paid him but he had the air of authority around him.

It was a rare opportunity for even someone as powerful as Kelvin Grey to meet the wielder of that ring. If he earned Ryker’s favour, his family could tower above all despite their already lofty status.

He quickly took out his business card and stretched it towards Ryker.

“My name is Kelvin Grey, I’m the chairman of Metro Group, this is my card. If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to call me.”

Ryker thought about it for a moment.

The Metro group was a financial powerhouse, not just in crimson but across the entire country, having the chairman as an acquaintance could come in handy.

“Thank you,” Ryker replied, taking the card and walking away from the family.

As Ryker walked away, he turned to look at the three of them, his eyes lingering the longest in Cage who was on the floor.

Why was he so respectful to him? It didn’t make sense.

Everything seemed so strange recently.

He looked at his hands, recalling how he dealt with Sebastian easily in the restaurant.

When he was attacked, his body would naturally react to fight. His fighting skills seemed to be ingrained in his bones and flowed through his veins.

Who was he in the past? A renowned fighter? The old man in particular seemed to show him great respect.

Should he enquire from the old man?

Well, he has his contact card, he can always find out if required.

“Grandpa, who is he? Why did you show him so much respect?” Samatha asked, her hands folded against her chest with an angry pout on her lips.

“Yes. Grandpa Grey, who was that guy? He-” Cage coughed up more blood as he finally managed to get on his knees, holding his chest. “He’s definitely a martial arts master.”

Kelvin scoffed and shook his head at their ignorance.

“Master? He’s way more than that. He is-” he paused, remembering how confidential Ryker’s identity was and the dangers of revealing it carelessly.

“Samantha, listen to me and listen to me very well. If you ever cross paths with that man again, show him the same respect you would show me. In fact, show him way more respect.”

Samantha’s frown only deepened.

“But why grandpa, he’s nothing compared to us.”

“Stop asking me questions and do as I say. You know….Since you are single and we are yet to find you a suitable betrothal, you should even befriend him,” Kelvin said in a suggestive tone, nudging his granddaughter.

Samantha rolled her eyes at her grandfather’s suggestion before she narrowed them at Ryker walking away in the distance.

‘Who is that guy? Grandpa seems to respect him so much. He was even scared he could cause trouble for us. That is rare for him. Could this guy be someone important?’ Samantha mused.

“Can you manage, Cage?” Kelvin asked, helping Cage to his feet.

“I am fine, I can manage,” Cage groaned.

Kelvin was about to reply when his legs and hands started shaking profusely, causing him to collapse and he quickly started convulsing.

He suffered from a strange illness that made him get random and sporadic tremors for a period of time.

Samantha rushed to his side, worry and concern filling her eyes and Cage quickly carried him back to the car until he became stable again.

“Grandpa, Cage should take you back home, I can represent you at Nico Reyes’ engagement ceremony tomorrow. After all, I am your heir and I have your business acumen. I can decide if the Reyes’ are credible to partner with.”

“I do not doubt your capabilities Samantha but this is something I must see for myself. Sometimes experience is the difference,” Kelvin replied.

“But Grandpa, your health…..” Samantha protested.

“I am already old my dear, even if I wasn’t sick, death would still be around the corner,” Kelvin replied before he turned to Cage.

“Call doctor Kent to meet me at my guest house tonight. I’m sure some of his medicine can help me suppress this thing for a while. I must be at the engagement ceremony tomorrow.”

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