Chapter 0008

“You must be the world’s biggest cuckold Ryker. First your wife chose me over you and then Fiona promised you marriage, only to dump you and marry someone better,” Sebastian chuckled sinisterly in Ryker’s face.

“How could I or Miss Bassett ever choose him, when he’s nothing but a failure, a weakling and a disgrace to masculinity,” Sarah added in a scorn filled voice.

Ryker scoffed and smirked coldly at them.

“First of all Sara, you are delusional for comparing a whore like you to Fiona and secondly, she didn’t toy with me, she is my wife and this engagement ceremony will not hold.”

“You trash! Who are you calling a whore?” Sarah raised her hand to slap Ryker but he caught it mid air.

He squeezed her hand tight and leaned in to whisper to her.

“What do you call a woman who spread her legs for another man when she had a husband? A freaking whore…..that is what you are.”

He threw her hands back, making her yelp in shock.

She never expected Ryker to be so blunt and harsh and he had never manhandled her before.

There was something different and authoritative about him.

She looked to Sebastian for help.

“Hey loser, just because you have a few fighting skills doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. Real power is not in physical strength but in influence and Nico Reyes is far more influential than you can ever dream to be. Cause a scene here and I will personally deal with you myself.”

Sebastian said as a matter of fact, his eyes were cold and full of vengeance but he knew better than to touch Ryker after his ordeal yesterday.

Ryker scoffed at him, stepping close and Sebastian took two steps back, moving away from him in fear, even though he tried to hide it.

“Deal with me? I hear a dog barking but we both know he doesn’t have any teeth to bite. How’s your shoulder by the way?”

Ryker said with a smirk on his face, tapping Sebastain’s shoulder where he had stabbed him and Sebastian winced away from Ryker’s touch as Ryker walked away.

Ryker made his way to the restroom and Sebastian scowled at him. Sebastian had come along to the wedding with a bodyguard who used to be a top fighting champion in the country before he got caught for doping and jeopardised his career.

Sebastian believed that if they both combined their fighting skills, they would be able to teach Ryker a lesson so he signalled the bodyguard and they followed Ryker.

Ryker was still using the urinal when he heard the door open and Sebastian’s voice reached his ears.

“I’m going to enjoy stuffing your face in that urinal,” Sebastian said coldly, cracking his knuckles.

“Who’s your friend?” Ryker asked cockily, not even looking back to face them as he heard the footsteps of the second man enter before the door shut behind him.

“So you’re the arrogant bastard who stabbed my boss? I’m going to crush you!” The bodyguard palmed his fist, smirking coldly at Ryker.

“People are so ill mannered these days,” Ryker said calmly, pulling up his zipper and turning to face the men. “You couldn’t even let me finish.”

“Let you finish? When I’m done with you, you little weasel, you won’t even be able to use that tiny dick of yours,” The bodyguard snarled at Ryker.

“Gojo, I want you to maim him and when you’re done, hold his mouth open so he can drink my piss, he’s nothing but a cuckold afterall, a fucking bottom feeder,” Sebastian said confidently.

Ryker scoffed coldly, his eyes narrowing and growing red. “One of us is going to taste piss today and I assure you it’s not me.”

“We’ll see about that you bastard! Get him Gojo and show no mercy!” Sebastain yelled, his voice full of hatred.

“Die, you scum!”

The bodyguard yelled, advancing towards Ryker with a punch but Ryker skillfully evaded it and a strong kick from Ryker to the back of his head sent him to sleep peacefully like a baby.

A lump of fear found its way down Sebastian's throat as his bodyguard dropped to the ground.

One strike? Ryker knocked him out with one strike?

In a flash, Ryker was in front of him, slapping him so hard across the face that his vision spun endlessly with Ryker’s fingers printing on his face.

“Spare me, spare me….I’ll give you money, I’ll give you anything, just let me go, please,” Sebastian cried out in pain, his heart pounding with fear.

Ryker’s slap felt like a boulder smashing his face, it is a miracle his teeth are still intact.

“You wanted me to drink your piss, you wanted to stuff my face in the urinal right?”

“No, no, no…please,” Sebastian pleaded to deaf ears as Ryker grabbed him and shoved his face into the urinal, rubbing Sebastian’s face in and smiling at the way Sebastian was groaning and struggling to no avail.

When Ryker felt satisfied, he dropped Sebastian to the floor, adjusted his tuxedo and stepped out of the restroom like nothing had even happened in there.

His real mission here today was to help Fiona get out of an otherwise abusive marriage, Sebastian was just an unnecessary distraction.

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