Victor, Michael, and Ella were guided to a designated area where their cards underwent scrutiny. Following the verification process, each of them was equipped with distinctive tags displaying the letter C.

Meanwhile, Boss Kent received a tag with the letter M inscribed on it, setting him apart from the others.

Observing this systematic tagging, Victor discerned a pattern: C denoted Core, while M signified Middle. Intrigued, Victor hypothesized the existence of a third category, anticipating a tag labeled P.

Soon enough, Victor's conjecture materialized as they encountered an individual adorned with a P-tag. A silent confirmation passed between Victor and Ella, validating their shared analysis.

The event's organizers, it became evident, had implemented a hierarchical division of the affluent attendees based on martial art cultivation stages.

Despite this revelation, the reasoning behind such categorization remained elusive to Victor.

Indeed, there was more beneath the surface than ini
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