Maple Villa proved to be a heavenly abode for Victor, who, engrossed in its splendor, allowed others to explore independently.

Nevertheless, he took the initiative to personally guide Diana through the intricacies of the house, showcasing its various facets with enthusiasm and pride.

Diana, still filled with surprise and confusion, inquired, "In what way did you manage to acquire this?"

With a reassuring smile, Victor responded, "My love, as I mentioned before, winning the lottery has brought about significant transformations in my life, all of which are meant to benefit us. And there's more to the story – I've also begun working for Mr. Davis's superior. It's a lengthy tale, but the important thing is that our lives are on the verge of a remarkable change. I'm determined to provide you with the very best."

Diana reciprocated with a smile, enveloping Victor in a warm hug before releasing him, a tinge of embarrassment coloring her demeanor."

After concluding their tour, Matthew and h
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