The following morning, as the sun's first rays began to creep through the curtains, Diana slowly stirred from her slumber.

To her dismay, a throbbing headache throbbed within her temples, a harsh reminder of the previous night's festivities.

Groaning, she reached out to her bedside table to check the time. In that moment, her eyes widened in sheer panic as she realized the lateness of the hour.

In a mad scramble, Diana bolted out of bed, sprinting down the stairs with her heart pounding in her chest.

As she reached the living room, her frantic gaze fixed upon Victor, who was calmly seated on the sofa.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I'm late for work!" Diana's voice trembled with a blend of frustration and alarm as she accused Victor.

However, in the midst of her rush, a bewildering thought struck her. She stopped in her tracks and asked, "Wait, how did I get here? I -- I was in danger last night."

Victor, ever the picture of composure, replied evenly, "Your boss rescued you and dropp
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