After making a stop at the hospital, Zion underwent a thorough examination, and his visible injuries received proper attention.

As they settled into the car, Zion inquired about their next course of action, "So, young master, what's your plan moving forward?"

Victor who was seated at the driver's seat of the car had a cold expression on his face as he stery responded, "We fight back."

Contemplating the recent events, Zion probed further, "Do you believe Julius Wilson is behind this?"

Victor's tone grew more resolute as he affirmed, "Absolutely. While I lack direct evidence, the orchestrations bear his signature. He's orchestrating this through others, but my instincts tell me he's the mastermind. Considering the multitude of reasons he has and his status as my primary enemy, it's highly likely. But this time, he messed with the wrong enemy."

Prior to initiating the car's engine, Victor took a moment to dial Martin's number. "Hello, ensure that one of the Wilson family's factories goes
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